Day 17 − Hearing Block 2, 9 December 2022 You are here Home Day 17 − Hearing Block 2, 9 December 2022 Day 17 Date 9 December 2022 Location Brisbane Hearing Hearing Block 2 Exhibits Exhibit 1-0075;Exhibit 2-2195 - DSS.8002.0001.0257_R - FW- Legal Advice - Data matching- notifications and debt raising [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 1-0076;Exhibit 2-2193 - DSS.8002.0001.0259_R - Request for clarification on income testing rules. [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only Exhibit 1-0077;Exhibit 2-2227 - DSS.8002.0001.0002_R - FW- New version of draft brief on fraud and compliance [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 1-1269;Exhibit 1-1273;Exhibit 2-2171 - CTH.4700.0001.2356_R - Executive Minute Exhibit 1-1272;Exhibit 2-2173 - CTH.3704.0009.4806_R - B15-119 - Signed Brief Exhibit 2-1627;Exhibit 2-2190 - CTH.3001.0039.6248_2 - FMS17-000243- February Compliance and Debt Report Exhibit 2-2041;Exhibit 2-2213 - DSS.5019.0002.3980_R - Comments from Means Test Policy - ATTACHMENT B - Welfare integrity options [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2151A - DSS.5045.0001.0004_R - FW_ Request for information_documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2152 - MWI.9999.0001.0005 - 2022.10.11 - NTG-0011 Mark Withnell Exhibit 2-2153 - MWI.9999.0001.0001_R - 2022.10.14 - NTG-0011 Mark Withnell - Response Exhibit 2-2154 - MWI.9999.0001.0010 - 2022.10.20 - NTG-0030 (Withnell) Exhibit 2-2155 - MWI.9999.0001.0002_R - 20221021 Robodebt Statement (NTG-0030) Mark Withnell 22006293(46181408.1) Exhibit 2-2156 - MWI.9999.0001.0003_R - 20221026 Robodebt Supplementary Statement (NTG-0030) Mark Withnell 22006293(46215424.1) Exhibit 2-2157 - MWI.9999.0001.0014_R - 20221204 Letter to OSA re corrections to Mark Withnell's statements 22006293(46617557.3) Exhibit 2-2158 - CTH.2004.0001.9608_R - For your reading pleasure - DO NOT FORWARD [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2159 - CTH.2004.0001.9609 - Min Morrison brief Exhibit 2-2160 - CTH.3008.0007.8243_R - Draft compliance brief - Appendix 1 [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2161 - CTH.3008.0007.8244 - Appendix 1 (20 Jan) Exhibit 2-2162 - CTH.3023.0013.3051_R - RE- DSS comments on DHS Welfare integrity options (2) [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2163 - CTH.2004.0002.0345_R - new draft [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2164 - CTH.2004.0002.0346 - Revised new draft brief to Minister Morrison Exhibit 2-2165 - CTH.3008.0007.8462_R - URGENT- DSS comments on DHS Welfare integrity options (2) [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2166 - CTH.3008.0007.8464 - DSS comments on DHS Welfare integrity options (2) Exhibit 2-2167 - CTH.2004.0002.0460_R - old b with revisions [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2168 - CTH.2004.0002.0461 - revision of old att b Exhibit 2-2169 - DSS.5060.0001.0490_R - New version of draft brief on fraud and compliance [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2170;Exhibit 2-2224 - DSS.5060.0001.0491_R - Revised new draft brief to Minister Morrison Exhibit 2-2172 - CTH.4700.0001.2386_R - Executive Minute Exhibit 2-2174 - CTH.2004.0002.5904_R - ECR [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2176 - CTH.2004.0002.5630_R - Fwd- NPP [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2177;Exhibit 2-2252 - CTH.2004.0002.5631_R - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments Exhibit 2-2178 - CTH.3006.0001.6640_R - Exposure draft comments - Strengthening the Integrity of the Welfare System [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2179 - CTH.3006.0001.6641_R - Exposure draft comments - Strengthening the Integrity of the Welfare System Exhibit 2-2180 - CTH.3006.0001.6644_R - NPP Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments Exhibit 2-2181 - CTH.3006.0001.6651_R - Re- Exposure draft comments - Strengthening the Integrity of the Welfare System [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2182 - CTH.3006.0001.6662_R - RE- Exposure draft comments - Strengthening the Integrity of the Welfare System [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2183 - CTH.2004.0009.8479_R - Ombudsman Response - Legislation [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2184 - CTH.2004.0009.8480 - Ombudsman Response - Legislation Exhibit 2-2185 - CTH.2004.0009.8482_R - RE- Comments DHS NPP [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2186 - CTH.2004.0009.8484_R - NPP [SEC=UNOFFICIAL] Exhibit 2-2187 - CTH.2004.0009.8485_R - FW- Document from DSS [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2188 - CTH.3001.0027.3397 - Compliance and Debt Report_PeriodEnding_20160930_Final Exhibit 2-2189 - CTH.3001.0027.4142_R - FW- September Debt and Compliance Report [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2191 - CTH.3001.0039.6249_R - MS17-000243 Exhibit 2-2192 - CTH.3793.0001.1158_R - FW- DHS - constitutional risk assessment of 6 NPPs [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive, ACCESS=Legal-Privilege] Exhibit 2-2194 - DSS.5047.0001.0001_R - Compliance measure [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2196 - CTH.2004.0001.7203_R - C14-5887 Incoming correspondence Exhibit 2-2197 - DSS.5046.0001.0030_R - RE- Legal Advice - Data matching- notifications and debt raising [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2198 - DSS.5046.0001.0027_R - RE- Legal Advice - Data matching- notifications and debt raising [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2199 - DSS.5039.0001.0001_R - Options to strengthen eligibility and participation requirements [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2200 - CTH.3008.0007.6435_R - Draft compliance brief [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2201 - CTH.3008.0007.6436 - Minister Brief - Compliance and Newstart Exhibit 2-2202 - CTH.2004.0001.9755_R - draft brief attachment [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2203 - DSS.5039.0001.0004_R - Discussion with DSS-DHS-Employment on the approach and scope on Compliance work and participation in response to Minister Morrison's request [SEC=UNOFFICIAL] Exhibit 2-2204 - CTH.3002.0007.1628_R - FW- Legal Advice - Proposed digital intervention process [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2205 - CTH.3002.0007.1631_R - Lex 17990 - Online mandating - data matching etc - advice Exhibit 2-2206 - CTH.3008.0007.7493_R - brief revisions [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2207 - CTH.3008.0007.7514 - Minister Brief - Compliance and Newstart (markup) Exhibit 2-2208 - CTH.2004.0001.9953_R - Compliance brief - final version sent to the Secretary. [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2209 - CTH.2004.0001.9954 - Minister Brief - Compliance and Newstart (clean) Exhibit 2-2210 - CTH.3001.0034.8563_R - B15-39 Exhibit 2-2211 - DSS.5053.0001.0075_R - FW- Information about the DHS proposal to change the approach to identifying and raising debts [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2212 - CTH.3061.0003.1273_R - Draft options - welfare integrity [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2214 - CTH.3027.0004.9371_R - DSS Response Dot Points [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2215 - CTH.3023.0013.3028_R - FW- DSS Response Dot Points [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2216 - CTH.2004.0002.0342_R - RE- DSS comments on DHS Welfare integrity options (2) [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2217 - CTH.3027.0004.9370_R - FW- Email Trail Using IRMD as last resort for raising debt [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2218 - CTH.3027.0004.9368_R - RE- DSS Response Dot Points [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2219 - CTH.3027.0004.9379_R - 14 day requirement [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2220 - CTH.3027.0004.9373_R - Email Trail Using IRMD as last resort for raising debt Exhibit 2-2221 - CTH.3027.0004.9372_R - FW- Email Trail Using IRMD as last resort for raising debt [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2222 - CTH.3023.0013.3217_R - FW- DSS Response Dot Points [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2223 - CTH.3027.0003.9827_R - FW- Legal Advice - Proposed digital intervention process [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2225 - CTH.3023.0013.3496_R - FW- New version of draft brief on fraud and compliance [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2226 - CTH.3023.0013.3497_R - Revised new draft brief to Minister Morrison Exhibit 2-2228 - DSS.5053.0001.0082_R - FW- Legal Advice - Data matching- notifications and debt raising [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2229 - CTH.4700.0001.3968_R - B15-126 - signed brief Exhibit 2-2230 - CTH.3000.0003.7388_R - RE- PAYG Analysis [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2231 - CTH.3000.0003.8402_R - Re- PAYG 2014 Extract 1 [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2232 - CTH.3023.0013.8662_R - FW- Minister Morrison signed brief [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2233 - CTH.3023.0013.9025_R - Re- NPP template [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2234 - CTH.3000.0004.0551_R - CONFIDENTIAL - CCB Direction [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2235 - CTH.3023.0001.5316_R - NPP [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2236 - CTH.3023.0001.5317_R - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments NPP Exhibit 2-2237 - CTH.2004.0002.5318_R - Revised draft brief to Minister Morrison 3 Feb Exhibit 2-2238 - CTH.2004.0002.5425_R - RE- Draft text for the body of the submission [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2239 - CTH.2004.0002.5427_R - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments NPP (5) Exhibit 2-2240 - CTH.3023.0001.5369_R - FW- Draft text for the body of the submission [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2241 - CTH.3023.0001.5371_R - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments NPP (5) Exhibit 2-2242 - DSS.5053.0001.0012 - Accepted- Meeting with DHS re Payment Integrity Options for Budget [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2243 - DSS.5053.0001.0013_R - Canceled- NPP [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2244 - CTH.3023.0001.5380_R - NPP Latest Version [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2245 - CTH.3023.0001.5381_R - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments NPP (6) Exhibit 2-2246 - CTH.2004.0002.5570_R - NPP [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2247 - CTH.2004.0002.5571_R - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments NPP (7) Exhibit 2-2248 - DSS.5046.0001.0023_R - FW- PAYG High Level Assumptions [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2249 - DSS.5046.0001.0025 - PAYG High Level Assumptions Exhibit 2-2250 - CTH.2004.0002.5616_R - v8 [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2251 - CTH.2004.0002.5617_R - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments NPP (8) Exhibit 2-2253 - CTH.3023.0001.5428_R - NPP [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2254 - CTH.3023.0001.5429_R - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments NPP (8) Exhibit 2-2255 - CTH.3023.0001.5435_R - FW- PRINTED-NPP [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2256 - CTH.3023.0001.5436_R - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments NPP (8) Exhibit 2-2257 - CTH.2004.0002.5929_R - Compliance NPP [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2258 - CTH.2004.0002.5931_R - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments NPP (8) Exhibit 2-2259 - CTH.3006.0001.6079_R - RE- URGENT- Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments NPP [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2261 - CTH.3023.0001.5837_R - FW- URGENT- Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments NPP [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2262 - CTH.3023.0001.5840_R - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments 040315 Exhibit 2-2263 - CTH.3023.0001.5848_R - FW- URGENT- Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments NPP [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2265 - CTH.3023.0014.0534_R - RE- 11779 - Strengthening Integrity of Welfare Payments - Questions from DoF [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2266 - DSS.5001.0002.5507_R - For your records- EXPOSURE DRAFT 2015-16 Social Services Portfolio Budget Submission. [SEC=PROTECTED, DLM=Sensitive-Cabinet] Exhibit 2-2267 - DSS.5001.0002.5539_R - 2. EXPOSURE DRAFT 2015-16 Social Services Portfolio Budget Submission - back end (04Mar15) Exhibit 2-2268 - CTH.4700.0002.0001_R - FW- Comments DHS NPP [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2269 - CTH.3006.0001.6323_R - FW- Endorsed- RAB1415_217 - ATO-DHS Data Optimisation [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2270 - CTH.3006.0001.6116_R - Re- For review and-or clearance- 001944 - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments costing [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2271 - CTH.3006.0001.6117_R - RE- For review and-or clearance- 001944 - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments costing [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2272 - CTH.3006.0001.6119_R - Re- For review and-or clearance- 001944 - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments costing [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2273 - CTH.3006.0001.6121_R - Re- For review and-or clearance- 001944 - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments costing [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2274 - CTH.2004.0002.7523_R - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2275 - CTH.3027.0004.9345_R - Legal Advice - Proposed digital intervention process [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2276 - CTH.3027.0046.5337_R - Legal Advice - Proposed digital intervention process [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2277 - CTH.3027.0046.5345_R - 18594 JB SH Exhibit 2-2278 - DSS.5053.0001.0100_R - FW- Strengthening Integrity - Option E [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2279 - CTH.3001.0012.1752_R - MYEFO Points [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2280 - CTH.3001.0012.1839_R - RE- MYEFO Points [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2281 - CTH.3001.0012.3671 - DRAFT POB_minutes_15 Dec 2015_meeting Exhibit 2-2282 - CTH.3001.0014.8040_R - MB16-000051 Exhibit 2-2283 - CTH.0009.0001.0003_R - MB16-000051 MSB Exhibit 2-2284 - CTH.0019.0004.0365_R - MS16-000444 004 Compliance and Debt Monthly Report Exhibit 2-2285 - CTH.0019.0004.0362 - MS16-000444 002 Debt and Compliance Monthly Report - April Exhibit 2-2286 - CTH.0009.0001.0104_R - MB16-000224 MO Exhibit 2-2287 - CTH.3704.0009.7038_R - MS16-000572 001 Compliance and Debt Dashboard - June 2016 Exhibit 2-2288 - CTH.0019.0004.0368 - MS16-000572 002 Compliance and Debt Report - June Exhibit 2-2289 - CTH.4000.0001.6902_R - MB16-000216 Exhibit 2-2290 - CTH.3704.0009.7777_R - MS16-000774 001 August Compliance and Debt Dashboard Exhibit 2-2291 - CTH.0019.0004.0370 - MS16-000774 002 August Compliance and Debt Dashboard Exhibit 2-2292 - CTH.3704.0009.8247_R - MS16-000929 001 Compliance and Debt Monthly Report - September Exhibit 2-2293 - CTH.4700.0001.5836_R - MS20-900378 002 MB16-000384 Noted by Minister Exhibit 2-2294 - CTH.3704.0009.8288_R - MS16-001096 001 Compliance and Debt Report Exhibit 2-2295 - CTH.2002.0005.9601_2 - Compliance and Debt Report - October MS16-001096 Exhibit 2-2296 - CTH.3704.0008.4990_R - MB16-000483 001 Information request - Update on Budget measures - compliance targets for Business Integrity Exhibit 2-2297 - CTH.3001.0029.8524_R - FW- PRINTED FW- URGENT - compliance and debt report [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2298 - CTH.3001.0029.8526 - Copy of Compliance and Debt Report_PeriodEnding_20161031_Final_V5.1 Exhibit 2-2299 - CTH.4700.0001.2220_R - MS16-001072 - Minister signed brief Exhibit 2-2300 - CTH.3704.0009.8294_R - MS16-001185 001 COMPLIANCE AND DEBT MONTHLY REPORT Exhibit 2-2301 - CTH.0019.0004.0395 - MS16-001185 002 Attachment A - Compliance and Debt Report-period ending 20161130 - new metrics