Day 28 − Hearing Block 3, 31 January 2023 You are here Home Day 28 − Hearing Block 3, 31 January 2023 Day 28 Date 31 January 2023 Location Brisbane Hearing Hearing Block 3 Exhibits Exhibit 3-4267;Exhibit 3-4374 - CTH.3007.0004.6953_R - RE- URGENT ACTION- FTB [Redacted] Case Study [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4303A - CTH.3007.0006.1940_R - OCI debt cases [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4303B - AMU.9999.0001.0012_R - 20230130 Musolino corrections 22006293(46983724.1) Exhibit 3-4304 - RMI.9999.0001.0001_R - 2022.12.22 - NTG-0147 (Miller) Exhibit 3-4305 - RMI.9999.0001.0002 - 230118 Hearing Block 3 - Response by Rachelle Miller to NTG-0147 Exhibit 3-4306 - CTH.3830.0001.0001_R - FW- Debt and Compliance media opportunities [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4307 - CTH.3004.0002.3357_R - INFO- Minister's office today's media and communication interactions [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4308 - CTH.3098.0009.6792_R - ATTACHED- Media release - online compliance [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4309 - CTH.3098.0009.6793_R - 2016-11-23 New technology helps raise $4.5 million in welfare debts a day_FINAL Exhibit 3-4310 - CTH.3108.0003.2788_R - Q&A document [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4311 - CTH.3108.0003.2789 - 161204 Q&A's Online debt and compliance tool Exhibit 3-4312 - CTH.3001.0030.6414_R - 161205 Minister for Human Services - Media Release - New technology help Exhibit 3-4313 - RBD.9999.0001.0368 - Welfare debt squad hunts for $4bn (pages CTH.3001.0032.7005 to CTH.3001.0032.7006 of CTH.3001.0032.6940) Exhibit 3-4314 - CTH.3108.0003.3673_R - FW- For OK- The Guardian (ChristopherKnaus) - incorrect debtnotices[SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4315 - CTH.3000.0023.5868 - Transcript Exhibit 3-4316 - CTH.2009.0006.7327_R - RE- SMH enquiry RE- SMH enquiry [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4317 - CTH.3051.0015.0646_R - RE- DRAFT Op Ed - Centrelink automated debt recoverysystem[SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4318 - CTH.3051.0015.0649 - 170105 - Revised Talking Points - DHS online compliance system Exhibit 3-4319 - CTH.3051.0015.0652_R - 882441 Plibersek shorten 2011 Exhibit 3-4320 - CTH.3001.0032.6643_R - Fwd- How Centrelink unleashed a weapon of math destruction Exhibit 3-4321 - RBD.9999.0001.0369 - Sydney Morning Herald Article How Centrelink unleashed a weapon of math destruction (see hyperlink in document in previous tab) Exhibit 3-4322 - CTH.3001.0032.7301_R - Fwd- MB17-000023 - Online compliance and debt letters [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4323 - CTH.3051.0015.0811_R - Re- Media Summary - Debt Letters [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4324 - CTH.3051.0015.1406_R - RE- Centrelink insider comments [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4325 - CTH.3108.0003.5563_R - oped Exhibit 3-4326 - CTH.3108.0003.5564 - 170106 Opinion Piece - Centrelink automated debt recovery system - AA edit Exhibit 3-4327 - CTH.3051.0015.1953_R - Fwd- Online Compliance intervention memo Exhibit 3-4328 - CTH.3051.0015.2085_R - FW- MEDIA RESPONSE- 7.30-Pat McGrath-OnlineComplianceinterventionmemo [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4329 - CTH.3051.0015.2331_R - RE- Possible statement [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4330 - CTH.3108.0003.5817_R - FW- Draft statement for approval [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4331 - CTH.3098.0010.4320_R - FW- Info request [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4332 - CTH.3001.0033.5463_R - Minister tweet Update Media plan [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4333 - CTH.3001.0033.2620_R - RE- URGENT- Case study to air on ABC 7.30 tonight [DLM=Sensitive-Personal] Exhibit 3-4334 - CTH.3001.0033.2685_R - RE- URGENT- Case study to air on ABC 7.30 tonight [DLM=Sensitive-Personal] Exhibit 3-4335 - CTH.3007.0004.3080_R - cameos for MO Exhibit 3-4336 - CTH.3007.0004.3081_R - cameos for MO Exhibit 3-4337 - CTH.3051.0015.2785_R - Briefing document- ABC reporting inaccuracies [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4338 - CTH.3051.0015.2786_R - 170114 Online Compliance system - ABC reporting inaccuracies Exhibit 3-4339 - CTH.3108.0003.6511_R - FW-Wilkiecase from yesterday [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4340 - CTH.3108.0003.6512_R - Ministerial PIC - 16 January 2016 [redacted] Exhibit 3-4341 - CTH.3051.0015.4042_R - Brief of case studies that have run in the media [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4342 - CTH.3051.0015.4043_R - Details of Customers that have appeared in the media Exhibit 3-4343 - CTH.3108.0003.6695_R - FW-Wilkie [redacted]_700801971V as at 16Jan[DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4344 - CTH.3108.0003.6696_R - [Redacted]_700801971V as at 16 Jan Exhibit 3-4345 - CTH.3007.0004.3105_R - Process for Cameos to Minister's Office [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4346 - CTH.3058.0012.7183_R - 38 media cases [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4347 - CTH.3051.0015.5625_R - Latest case studies in the media - stats [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4348 - CTH.3051.0015.5628_R - 170117 - Legitimate OCI debts Case studies Exhibit 3-4349 - CTH.3051.0015.5629_R - MS17-000066 GM Cleared Exhibit 3-4350 - CTH.3051.0015.5877_R - 170123 OCI - Collated information Exhibit 3-4351 - CTH.3051.0015.5878_R - 170123 OCI - Collated information Exhibit 3-4352 - CTH.3051.0015.6199_R - Updated materials for media [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4353 - CTH.3051.0015.6262_R - 170123 OCI - Collated information - AA update Exhibit 3-4354 - CTH.3051.0015.6268_R - Updated materials for media [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4355 - CTH.3051.0015.6269_R - 170123 OCI - Collated information - AA update plus mw edits Exhibit 3-4356 - CTH.3051.0015.6295_R - Re- Updated materials for media [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4357 - CTH.3051.0015.6466_R - RE- Updated materials for media [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4358 - CTH.3051.0015.6503_R - FW- Final info document [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4359 - CTH.3051.0015.6504_R - 170123 OCI - Collated information - FINAL Exhibit 3-4360 - CTH.3108.0003.7571_R - 170123 OCI - Collated information - FINAL Exhibit 3-4361 - CTH.3108.0003.7572_R - 170123 OCI - Collated information - FINAL Exhibit 3-4362 - CTH.3051.0015.6537_R - FW- Fact check- case study [DLM=Sensitive-Personal] Exhibit 3-4363 - CTH.3051.0015.6592_R - FINAL information document [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4364 - CTH.3051.0015.6593_R - 170124 OCI - Collated information FINAL Exhibit 3-4366 - CTH.2001.0004.3127_R - RE- [Redacted] - Case study for clearance for the media [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4367 - CTH.2009.0007.3127_R - FW- Urgent- Case study for clearance for media [redacted][DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4368 - CTH.2009.0007.3136_R - RE- Customer I[redacted](SBS) case study for clearancetoreleaseto the media [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED Exhibit 3-4369 - CTH.3104.0029.3610_R - OCI Case Studies sent to Simon Benson [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4370 - CTH.3104.0029.3618_R - Benson - OCI - package Exhibit 3-4371 - CTH.3007.0005.6573 - Simon Benson - Australian - 260117 Exhibit 3-4372 - CTH.3108.0005.2383_R - FW- Clip attached- A Current Affair (Channel 9) report on '[redacted] and her massive Centrelink cheque' [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4373 - CTH.3007.0004.6535_R - URGENT ACTION- FTB Case Study [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4375 - CTH.3822.0001.7930_R - 2017.02.10 MO advice of additional line for SMH response Exhibit 3-4376 - CTH.3008.0016.7483_R - RE- Information for journalist regarding the [redacted] case [DLM=Sensitive-Personal] Exhibit 3-4377 - CTH.3010.0006.8631_R - RE- FOR OK - UPDATED - Canberra Times (Paul Malone) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4378 - CTH.3010.0006.9556_R - RE-centrelinkoperations [SEC=UNOFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4379 - CTH.3007.0004.8449_R - [Redacted] correction of record 1 Exhibit 3-4380 - CTH.3007.0004.8450_R - [Redacted] correctionof record 2 Exhibit 3-4381 - CTH.3004.0003.0419_R - FW- [Redacted] - information released for the purpose of correcting the public record [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4382 - CTH.3001.0038.8808_R - UPDATE- Media and Social Media commentary re- Online Compliance System - Tuesday 14 March 2017 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4383 - CTH.3108.0003.6979_R - FW- For review [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4384 - CTH.3001.0033.6866_R - FW- UPDATED- UPDATE- For review [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4385 - CTH.3051.0015.6931_R - Re- For review- statement [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4386 - CTH.3098.0010.8782_R - RE- Media articles in Tasmania [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4387 - CTH.3051.0015.9334_R - RE- FOR OK- Response to ABC 7-30 (Pat McGrath) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4388 - CTH.3051.0016.3508_R - RE- request [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4389 - CTH.3058.0013.2284_R - Taking workload off.... and a few reminders Exhibit 3-4390 - CTH.3108.0004.0832_R - Use this. I think basically done here Exhibit 3-4391 - CTH.3001.0036.0872_R - 170213 Minister for Human Services - DRAFT Media Release - Further refinements to the online compliance system Exhibit 3-4392 - CTH.3001.0036.0873_R - 170213 Minister for Human Services - DRAFT Media Release - Further refinements to the online compliance system Exhibit 3-4393 - CTH.3005.0004.7205_R - Response- PwC and Data61 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4394 - CTH.2008.0001.0711_R - Re- For Action - New Matilda - Ben Eltham - Fact check ofData61 media response [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4395 - CTH.3051.0019.7526_R - RE- For Action - New Matilda - Ben Eltham - Fact check of Data61 media response [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4396 - CTH.3108.0005.6581_R - RE- Request for comment Centrelink data-matching- New Matilda [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4397 - CTH.3051.0016.6646_R - TP'sfor Channel Nine interview Monday morning 8-30am [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4398 - CTH.3051.0016.6649 - 170227 Media Briefing - Online compliance system - Channel 9 Canberra Exhibit 3-4399 - CTH.3098.0011.4478_R - Ombudsman's Report media release [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4400 - CTH.3051.0017.7589_R - Ombudsmanpressrelease Exhibit 3-4401 - CTH.3051.0017.7590_R - Ombudsmanpressrelease Exhibit 3-4402 - CTH.3051.0017.7702_R - RE- Ombudsmanpressrelease [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4403 - CTH.3051.0017.7704_R - Ombudsmanpressrelease Exhibit 3-4404 - CTH.3001.0041.6363_R - RE- Media and Social Media commentary re- Online Compliance System - Monday 10 April 2017 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4405 - CTH.2009.0009.7133_R - RE- FOR OK- Media response -InnovationAus(DenhamRE- FOR OK- Media response -InnovationAus(DenhamSadler) - OCI [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4406 - CTH.3034.0037.0813_R - RE- FOR OK - Response to media enquiry from The Saturday Paper re MrCauzzo[DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4407 - CTH.3051.0016.4527_R - FW- URGENT- HEAD'S UP- Enquiry from The Saturday Paperfeaturingcustomercase. [DLM=Sensitive-Personal] Exhibit 3-4408 - CTH.3051.0016.6834_R - RE- RhysCauzzocase study [DLM=Sensitive-Personal] Exhibit 3-4409 - CTH.3057.0021.0712_R - Re- For OK- Saturday Paper (MikeSeccombe) response re- disclosureofinformation[SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4410 - CTH.3108.0004.1917_R - RE- What are lines re mental health and debt- [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4411 - HJO.9999.0001.0003 - 2022.10.20 - NTG-0022 (Jongen) Exhibit 3-4412 - HJO.9999.0001.0001_R - 20221114 Statement HankJongenSIGNED - Copy Exhibit 3-4413 - CTH.3733.0001.0001 - 1 Departmental Spokesperson FINAL 25102018 Exhibit 3-4414 - CTH.3735.0001.0068_R - 04.01.2017 - NITV - Robert Burton-Bradley Exhibit 3-4415 - CTH.3034.0032.3840_R - Fwd- FOR APPROVAL - MEDIA RESPONSES- The Age, Kalgoorlie Miner, NITV - debt recovery [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4416 - CTH.3735.0001.0088_R - 05.01.2017 - News com au - Ben Butler Exhibit 3-4417 - CTH.3001.0032.2826_R - FOR OK- Head's Up Media enquiries - Ben Butler - Australian [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4418 - CTH.3735.0001.0151_R - 11.01.2017 - The Guardian - Chris Knaus Exhibit 3-4419 - CTH.3001.0033.1873_R - Re- FOR URGENT OKAY- The Guardian (ChristopherKnaus) for MO [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4420 - CTH.3735.0001.0253_R - 17.02.2017 - The Guardian - Chris Knaus Exhibit 3-4421 - CTH.3001.0036.6722_R - INFO- Minister's office today's media and communication interactions [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4422 - CTH.3051.0016.4514_R - FW- BREAKING NEWS ALERT- The Guardian (Online) reports Centrelink debt system- government knew of error risks 'for decades' [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4423 - CTH.3001.0036.6695_R - URGENT ACTION- The Guardian response for approval - data-matching audit [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4424 - CTH.3735.0001.0278_R - 14.02.2018 - The Guardian - Christopher Knaus Exhibit 3-4425 - CTH.3004.0008.0679_R - RE- FOR REVIEW- The Guardian (ChristopherKnaus) media enquiry [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4426 - CTH.3004.0008.0684_R - RE- For info and review- The Guardian (ChristopherKnaus) media enquiry [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4427 - CTH.3010.0008.8417_R - RE- For action- The Guardian (ChristopherKnaus) - Online compliance intervention [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4428 - CTH.3735.0001.0426_R - 05.04.2018 - The Canberra Times - Doug Dingwall Exhibit 3-4429 - CTH.3004.0008.3501_R - RE- For information- Guardian (Paul Karp) - follow-up questions - Online Compliance debts and AAT [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4430 - CTH.3004.0008.3450_R - RE- For approval- Media response - The Canberra Times (Doug Dingwall) and The Guardian (Paul Karp and ChristopherKnaus) - Online compliance [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4431 - CTH.3007.0008.3966_R - RE- For urgent approval- Media response - The Canberra Times (Doug Dingwall) and The Guardian (Paul Karp and ChristopherKnaus) - Online compliance [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4432 - CTH.3004.0008.3429_R - For approval- Media response - The Canberra Times (Doug Dingwall) and The Guardian (Paul Karp and ChristopherKnaus) - Online compliance [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4433 - CTH.3004.0008.3431_R - 2018.04.04 - The Canberra Times (Doug Dingwall) - online compliance - GM Exhibit 3-4434 - CTH.3004.0008.3434 - 006-Carney Exhibit 3-4435 - CTH.3735.0001.0422_R - 05.04.2018 - The Guardian - Paul Karp Exhibit 3-4436 - CTH.3004.0008.3660_R - For review- Media enquiry - The Guardian (Paul Karp) - Online compliance [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4437 - CTH.3735.0001.0012 - 25.01.2017 - Media Hub - Let's talk about facts Exhibit 3-4438 - CTH.3001.0034.2144_R - Re- For review- statement [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4439 - CTH.3001.0034.2131_R - Re- For review- statement [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4440 - CTH.3001.0034.2133_R - Re- For review- statement [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4441 - CTH.3011.0001.3202_R - Re- For review- statement [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4442 - CTH.3735.0001.0101_R - 07.01.2017 - Buzzfeed - Lane Sainty Exhibit 3-4443 - CTH.3001.0032.3903_R - RE- FYI new enquiry from Buzzfeed - Payment plans while debt under review [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4444 - CTH.3001.0032.6196_R - Re- Priority List for mediaenquriesCOB today [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4445 - CTH.3001.0032.6111_R - RE- UPDATE- Media and Social Media Commentary re- online compliance system - Friday 6 January [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4446 - CTH.3735.0001.0131_R - 09.01.2017 - The Australian - David Crowe Exhibit 3-4447 - CTH.3010.0006.5576_R - UPDATED For approval- General media statement for distribution today [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4448 - CTH.3735.0001.0141_R - 10.01.2017 - Daily Mail - Peter Devlin Exhibit 3-4449 - CTH.3001.0032.6190_R - Fwd- FOR APPROVAL- Updated media statement [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4450 - CTH.3001.0033.0510_R - For Dep Sec clearance- OCI ombudsman media enquiry [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4451 - CTH.3001.0033.0595_R - For Dep Sec clearance- Daily Mail OCI enquiries [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4452 - CTH.3748.0001.0738 - Triple J Interview Cheat sheet Exhibit 3-4453 - CTH.3748.0001.0753 - 2016-12-19 Online compliance tool_ Talking Points_Hack Exhibit 3-4456 - CTH.3010.0008.0423_R - Talkback briefing pack - Queensland trip 21-23 August [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4457 - CTH.3010.0008.0427 - 2017-06-21- Talking points - Senate Report Exhibit 3-4458 - CTH.3010.0008.0449_R - 2017-08-21-23 - FINAL - Talkback Brief - Queensland Trip Exhibit 3-4459 - CTH.3010.0008.0481 - OCI CHEATSHEET - June 2017 Exhibit 3-4460 - CTH.3010.0008.0048_R - FW- EC17-001458 Secretary signed brief with annotations - Media Forward Plan - August 2017 [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4461 - CTH.3010.0008.0049_R - EC17-001458 Sec signed brief with annot Exhibit 3-4462 - CTH.3001.0039.5422_R - RE- PRINTED For clearance - latest OCI master TPs [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4463 - CTH.3001.0039.5424 - 2017-03-21 - OCI master talking points + DS cleared Exhibit 3-4464 - CTH.3748.0001.0572_R - 15.06.2017 - Talking points on data matching and expanded measures Exhibit 3-4465 - CTH.3004.0011.7182_R - Heads up- Media Enquiry- Fairfax media (Matt Maloney) - Ombudsmanrobodebtinvestigation [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4466 - CTH.3010.0010.7923_R - RE- NEW enquiry- AndrewWilkiecalling on Commonwealth Ombudsman to reopenrobodebtinvestigation [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4467 - CTH.3008.0025.2592_R - RE- For clearance- Media enquiry - Fairfax Media (Matt Maloney) - AndrewWilkieOmbudsman investigation [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4468 - CTH.3010.0010.7927_R - RE- FOR OKAY- Media enquiry - Fairfax Media (Matt Maloney) - AndrewWilkieOmbudsman investigation [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4469 - CTH.3008.0025.2616_R - For information - Final media response - The Examiner (Matt Maloney) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4470 - CTH.3735.0001.0416_R - 18.03.2019 - Fairfax- Matt Maloney Exhibit 3-4471 - CTH.3735.0001.0572_R - 25.06.2019 - ABC 7.30 - Paul Farrell Exhibit 3-4472 - CTH.3007.0014.4518_R - RE- DS cleared- ABC 7.30 (Paul Farrell) - Online compliance questions [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4473 - CTH.3004.0013.1014_R - For information- - ABC 7.30 (Paul Farrell) - Online compliance questions [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4474 - CTH.3010.0010.3477_R - RE- For info-Newenquiry from The Guardian re Online Compliance [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4475 - CTH.3010.0010.3479_R - For OK- Response to The Guardian re Online Compliance [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4476 - CTH.2001.0012.1142_R - RE- For advice- The Guardian (ChristopherKnaus) response re- Terry Carney article in Alternative Law Journal [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4477 - CTH.3010.0010.3482_R - RE- For OK- Response to The Guardian re Online Compliance [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4478 - CTH.3735.0001.0368_R - 19.12.2018 - The Guardian - Christopher Knaus Exhibit 3-4479 - CTH.2008.0014.2694_R - Re- For OK- The Guardian (ChristopherKnaus) enquiry re- Terry Carney article in Alternative Law Journal [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4480 - CTH.3010.0008.0585_R - For advice - 2GB Sydney Afternoons - GM HankJongentalkback interview - Taskforce Integrity topic [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4482 - CTH.3004.0010.6168_R - RE- For urgent clearance - Response to The Age - OCI [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4483 - CTH.3010.0010.2041_R - NEW ENQUIRY- The Age (Cam Houston) - debts [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4484 - CTH.3010.0010.2042_R - RE- NEW ENQUIRY- The Age (Cam Houston) - debts [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4485 - CTH.3010.0010.2074_R - RE- For action - Response to The Age - OCI [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4486 - CTH.3735.0001.0351_R - 23.11.2018 - The Age - Cameron Houston Exhibit 3-4487 - CTH.3010.0010.2126_R - FW- DHS response - RE- Request from The Age [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4488 - CTH.3735.0001.0254_R - 21.02.2017 - Fairfax - NoelTowellincludes personal details Exhibit 3-4489 - CTH.3001.0036.7926_R - RE- PRINTED For Deputy Secretary clearance- The Canberra Times (NoelTowell) RhysCauzzo[DLM=Sensitive-Personal] Exhibit 3-4490 - CTH.3001.0036.7928_R - RE- PRINTED For Deputy Secretary clearance- The Canberra Times (NoelTowell) RhysCauzzo[DLM=Sensitive-Personal] Exhibit 3-4491 - CTH.3034.0034.2028_R - Re- For GM clearance - The Canberra Times (NoelTowell) - RhysCauzzo[DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4492 - CTH.3034.0034.2029_R - Re- For GM clearance - The Canberra Times (NoelTowell) - RhysCauzzo[DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4493 - CTH.3735.0001.0257_R - 22.02.2017 - Canberra Times - Paul Malone Exhibit 3-4494 - CTH.3001.0036.8718_R - Re- URGENT ACTION (2pm if possible)- Media response - Canberra Times (Paul Malone) - wait times ME17-130 [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4495 - CTH.3007.0004.8068_R - RE- For urgent review- Media response - Canberra Times (Paul Malone) - wait times [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4496 - CTH.3007.0006.1885_R - Re- Information for journalist regarding the [REDACTED] case [DLM=Sensitive-Personal] Exhibit 3-4497 - CTH.3008.0016.7444_R - Fwd- Information for journalist regarding the [REDACTED] case [DLM=Sensitive-Personal] Exhibit 3-4498 - CTH.3051.0016.5430_R - RE- Information for journalist regarding the [REDACTED] case [DLM=Sensitive-Personal] Exhibit 3-4499 - CTH.3735.0001.0652_R - 29.07.2019 - Nine News - Emily McPherson Exhibit 3-4500 - CTH.3752.0001.0035_R - 29.07.2019 - Nine News - Emily McPherson - PIC Exhibit 3-4501 - CTH.3008.0027.1920_R - Updated response for urgent review- Nine news enquiry - Madgwick customer case [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive, ACCESS=Personal-Privacy, ACCESS=Legal-Privilege] Exhibit 3-4502 - CTH.3008.0027.1927_R - Re- Updated response for urgent review- Nine news enquiry - Madgwick customer case [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive, ACCESS=Personal-Privacy, ACCESS=Legal-Privilege] Exhibit 3-4503 - CTH.3735.0001.0607_R - 28.11.2019 - Nine News - Emily McPherson (2) Exhibit 3-4504 - CTH.3757.0001.0005_R - PIC 28112019 Nine News E McPherson 2 Exhibit 3-4505 - CTH.3038.0007.4933_R - For review- Media enquiry - Nine News online [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4506 - CTH.3008.0029.2205_R - Re- FOR REVIEW- Follow-up enquiry - Nine News online [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4507 - CTH.3735.0001.0581_R - 22.10.2019 - Nine News - Emily McPherson Exhibit 3-4508 - CTH.3755.0001.0003_R - PIC 221019 Nine News E McPherson Exhibit 3-4509 - CTH.3004.0015.0088_R - RE- FOR URGENT CLEARANCE- Nine News online (Emily McPherson) - follow up story about income compliance review [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4510 - CTH.3010.0012.5125_R - RE- FOR OKAY- Media enquiry - Emily McPherson (Nine News online) - income compliance [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4511 - CTH.3000.0023.5809_R - Afternoon Media Summary - Wednesday 21 December 2016 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4512 - CTH.3005.0010.3123 - Attachment C - Departmental Media Release 4 April 2019 Exhibit 3-4513 - CTH.9999.0001.0113 - 2023 01 05 - NTP-0093 - Notice to Produce (Services Australia) (1) Exhibit 3-4514 - CTH.3000.0023.5029 - Early Edition Top Stories - Tuesday 20 December 2016 Exhibit 3-4515 - CTH.3000.0023.8926_R - Top Stories - Wednesday 11 January 2017 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4516 - CTH.3836.0001.0014_R - FW- Action- Hank Mailbox Transition to MATS [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4517 - CTH.3836.0001.0016 - Hanks box transition final Exhibit 3-4518 - CTH.3836.0001.0297 - 230110 Royal Commission NTP 0093 - Hank Mailbox Exhibit 3-4519 - CTH.2001.0015.4534_R - Jarrad Carlo Madgwick Exhibit 3-4520 - CTH.3004.0016.1731_R - Jarrad Carlo Madgwick Exhibit 3-4521 - CTH.2000.0013.7545_R - FW- Your email to the Department of Human Services [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive, ACCESS=Personal-Privacy] Exhibit 3-4522 - CTH.3051.0077.3698_R - COMPLIANCE REVIEW- [REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4523 - CTH.3051.0015.7479_R - compliance debt-[REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4524 - CTH.3051.0077.4744_R - FW- Your email to the Department of Human Services [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4525 - CTH.3051.0016.6188_R - FW- compliance debt-[REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4526 - CTH.3051.0016.6190_R - FW- Your email to the Department of Human Services [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4527 - CTH.3051.0016.7858_R - RE- compliance debt-[REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4528 - CTH.3051.0058.9702_R - 2021-03-015 [REDACTED] [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4529 - CTH.3018.0140.2796_R - RE- Cleared wording and next steps for responding to customers querying class actionnotices_debtrefunds [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive, ACCESS=Personal-Privacy] Exhibit 3-4530 - CTH.3051.0058.2200_R - FYI- Cleared wording and next steps for responding to customers querying class actionnotices_debtrefunds [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4531 - CTH.3051.0058.2691_R - RE- Cleared wording and next steps for responding to customers querying class actionnotices_debtrefunds [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive, ACCESS=Personal-Privacy] Exhibit 3-4532 - CTH.3051.0058.5674_R - FW- Cleared wording and next steps for responding to customers querying class actionnotices_debtrefunds [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive, ACCESS=Personal-Privacy] Exhibit 3-4533 - CTH.3018.0140.6754_R - FW- Action CHD - Additional Hank - 2021_04_010 - [REDACTED] [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive, ACCESS=Personal-Privacy] Exhibit 3-4534 - CTH.3018.0140.6759_R - Hank CBS Refunds Exhibit 3-4536 - CTH.3051.0014.8743_R - COMPLIANCE REVIEW- [REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4537 - CTH.3051.0077.5060_R - RE- COMPLIANCE REVIEW- [REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4538 - CTH.3051.0014.9558_R - URGENT- COMPLIANCE REVIEW- [REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4539 - CTH.3051.0014.9122_R - FW- DEBT CONTACT- [REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4540 - CTH.3110.0045.1823_R - FW- URGENT- DEBT CONTACT- [REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4541 - CTH.3051.0015.1570_R - Re- Your email to the Department of Human Services [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4542 - CTH.3051.0015.7742_R - Re- Your email to the Department of Human Services [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4543 - CTH.3110.0043.2477_R - RE- URGENT- DEBT CONTACT- [REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4544 - CTH.3051.0015.9796_R - RE- URGENT- DEBT CONTACT- [REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4545 - CTH.3051.0016.5247_R - Re- Your email to the Department of Human Services [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4546 - CTH.3051.0016.8446_R - FW- 2017-02-092 Hank Email- [REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4547 - CTH.3051.0016.8444_R - Re- Your email to the Department of Human Services [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4548 - CTH.3051.0016.8533_R - RE- 2017-02-092 Hank Email- [REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4549 - CTH.3051.0017.2784_R - Re- Your email to the Department of Human Services [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4550 - CTH.3051.0017.2794_R - FW- 2017-02-092 Hank Email- [REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4551 - CTH.3110.0030.6801_R - DMB0050- FW- 2017-02-092 Hank Email- [REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4552 - CTH.3110.0041.4384_R - RE- DMB0050- FW- 2017-02-092 Hank Email- [REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4553 - CTH.9999.0001.0108_R - 2022.12.22 - NTG-0144 Exhibit 3-4554 - CTH.9999.0001.0107_R - Response to NTG-0144 Exhibit 3-4555 - CTH.3838.0001.0001 - Bevan Hannan- occupancy and leave report 2016-2017 Exhibit 3-4556 - CTH.3098.0009.6341_R - Updated Media Calendar - MO input [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4557 - CTH.3098.0009.6342_R - 2016 11 09_Department of Human Services Media Activity Calendar_MOinput Exhibit 3-4558 - CTH.3735.0001.0029_R - 06.12.2016 - The Guardian - Chris Knaus Exhibit 3-4559 - CTH.3735.0001.0036_R - 20.12.2016 - Crikey - Jason Murphy Exhibit 3-4560 - CTH.3010.0007.7079_R - SECRETARY APPROVED- EC17-001006 Media Forward Plan - June 2017 [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4561 - CTH.3010.0007.7080_R - img-606184438-0001 Exhibit 3-4562 - CTH.3010.0007.9912_R - FW- EC17-001458 Secretarysigned brief with annotations - Media Forward Plan - August 2017 [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4563 - CTH.3010.0007.9913_R - EC17-001458 Sec signed brief with annot Exhibit 3-4564 - CTH.3098.0009.7568_R - RE- Approvals for Radio [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4565 - CTH.3098.0009.7570_R - Secretary Approval of November-December Media Forward Plan [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4566 - CTH.3098.0009.7571_R - img-Y10095345-0001 Exhibit 3-4567 - CTH.3837.0001.0183_R - FW- Responses to welfare eligibility review stories [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4568 - CTH.3010.0006.4154_R - URGENT - FOR ACTION- Response for Guardian Australia (ChrisKnaus) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4569 - CTH.3001.0034.1313_R - Urgent Approval- Media response for Minister re advance payment-debt - Letter from Julian Hill MP [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4570 - CTH.3035.0012.2533_R - RE- Urgent- Request for Case Studies [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4571 - CTH.3035.0012.2536_R - Greater than 40 failures in 12 mths_060617 [LSD changes] Exhibit 3-4572 - CTH.3001.0034.1552_R - Re- Urgent Approval- Media response for Minister re advance payment-debt - Letter from Julian Hill MP [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4573 - CTH.3098.0014.2050_R - FW- For action- media release for Compliance Workforce Consultation [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4574 - CTH.3098.0014.2051_R - MS17-000835 GM Signed Brief Exhibit 3-4575 - CTH.3098.0014.2055_R - MS17-000835 Attachment A Minister Talking Points Exhibit 3-4576 - CTH.3098.0010.6308_R - FW- Urgent- Letter to MinisterTudge[DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4577 - CTH.3098.0010.6311_R - 20170118L Minister Tudge Exhibit 3-4578 - CTH.3098.0010.6314_R - 20161221L AlanTudgeCentrelink Exhibit 3-4579 - CTH.3098.0010.6318_R - MC17-001263 MG updates Exhibit 3-4580 - CTH.3001.0045.8893_R - INFO- Minister's office - today'smedia and communication interactions [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4581 - CTH.3098.0010.3288_R - FW- ACTION- OCI - customer comms [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4582 - CTH.3098.0010.3290 - ocs Exhibit 3-4583 - CTH.3098.0010.3293 - OCI- The Facts v2 (002) Exhibit 3-4584 - CTH.3098.0010.3297 - DM4785_OCI_emp period_V0.1 Exhibit 3-4585 - CTH.3098.0010.3303 - DM4784_OCI_Extension_V0.1 Exhibit 3-4586 - CTH.3098.0010.3306 - How to find help_V0.1 Exhibit 3-4587 - CTH.3010.0006.2981_R - ATTACHED- Ministerial Media Release - welfare compliance measures [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4588 - CTH.3010.0006.2982 - 2016-11-04 - Ministerial media release - Welfare compliance measures sav Exhibit 3-4589 - CTH.3098.0009.5414_R - Re- ATTACHED- Ministerial Media Release - welfare compliance measures [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4590 - CTH.3084.0010.6143_R - RE- ATTACHED- Ministerial Media Release - welfare compliance measures [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4591 - CTH.3837.0001.0195 - 19.12.2016 - OCI talking points - Triple J Hack Exhibit 3-4592 - CTH.3735.0001.0063_R - 03.01.2017 - The Guardian - Chris Knaus Exhibit 3-4593 - CTH.3735.0001.0215_R - 31.01.2017 - Triple J Hack - Sarah McVeigh Exhibit 3-4594 - CTH.3837.0001.0109_R - RE- Executive Committee meeting with the Minister - Input into government narrative [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4595 - CTH.3098.0009.8782_R - FOR FEEDBACK- earned income interventions advice [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4596 - CTH.3837.0001.0022_R - FW- Request from Minister Porter's Office[DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4597 - CTH.3837.0001.0042_R - FOR REVIEW- Communication plan [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4598 - CTH.3837.0001.0043 - Online_compliance_system_comms_plan_03_01_17 final3 Exhibit 3-4599 - CTH.3837.0001.0080_R - ACTION- OCI - communication content [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4600 - CTH.3837.0001.0082 - Online Compliance Interventions Exhibit 3-4601 - CTH.3837.0001.0096 - OCI- The Facts v4 Sat 14 Jan Exhibit 3-4602 - CTH.3837.0001.0100 - OCI_NewsCarousel_Article_D1_cleanEICreview_For GM approval Exhibit 3-4603 - CTH.3837.0001.0101 - 160112_Secretary_Debt Recovery_v7 For GM approval Exhibit 3-4604 - CTH.3837.0001.0103 - Online compliance factsheet - customer facing v4 (dhs) Exhibit 3-4605 - CTH.3837.0001.0106 - Online compliance factsheet - MP (dhs) Exhibit 3-4606 - CTH.3837.0001.0141_R - FW- URGENT ACTION- OCI - communication content [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4607 - CTH.3837.0001.0143 - OCI- The Facts v3 CCD Cleared Exhibit 3-4608 - CTH.3837.0001.0147 - Online compliancesystem_subjectcontent_V0.1_CCD Cleared Exhibit 3-4609 - CTH.3837.0001.0151 - Employment income_09012017_V2_CCD cleared Exhibit 3-4610 - CTH.3098.0010.5630_R - UPDATED- UPDATE- For review [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4611 - CTH.3001.0033.5453_R - Update- Media plan [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4612 - CTH.3008.0016.4490_R - RE- VERY URGENT- Fact check- [REDACTED] case study [DLM=Sensitive-Personal] Exhibit 3-4613 - CTH.3084.0011.8420_R - RE- ABC case studies - [REDACTED] [DLM=Sensitive-Personal] Exhibit 3-4614 - CTH.3084.0011.8476_R - FW- Urgent- Case study for clearance for media [redacted][DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4615 - CTH.3007.0005.0023_R - Age website - Centrelink has terrorised me 06022017 Exhibit 3-4616 - CTH.3007.0005.0027_R - Age - How Centrelink has terrorised me 09022017 Exhibit 3-4617 - CTH.3822.0001.7938_R - 2017.02.22 Response to Paul Malone (Canberra Times) Exhibit 3-4618 - CTH.3053.0222.7674_R - 43 - Public Disclosure - Attachments Exhibit 3-4619 - CTH.3837.0001.0184_R - FW- CASE STUDIES PROECSS [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4620 - CTH.3001.0033.7669_R - FW- Top Stories - Friday 20 January 2017 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]