Day 18 − Hearing Block 2, 12 December 2022 You are here Home Day 18 − Hearing Block 2, 12 December 2022 Day 18 Date 12 December 2022 Location Brisbane Hearing Hearing Block 2 Exhibits Exhibit 2-2302 - TFA.9999.0001.0001 - 2022.11.21 - NTG-0087 Exhibit 2-2303 - TFA.9999.0001.0002_R - 2022.11.30 - Statement of Tyson Fawcett in response to NTG-0087 Exhibit 2-2304 - ATO.004.315.0551_R - Agenda September Draft V5 Exhibit 2-2305 - ATO.004.317.2214_R - Minutes 10 September 2013 V2 Exhibit 2-2306 - ATO.002.916.7093_R - Agenda March 2014 - DHS-ATO Forum - Final Exhibit 2-2307 - ATO.004.325.3071_R - Minutes 3 March 2014 V1 Exhibit 2-2308 - ATO.003.280.2044_R - Agenda November 2014 - DHS-ATO Forum Exhibit 2-2309 - ATO.001.608.8864_R - Minutes November 2014 DHS - ATO Data Forum Exhibit 2-2310 - ATO.001.609.1163_R - Agenda January 29th 2015 - DHS-ATO Forum Exhibit 2-2311 - ATO.001.611.8124_R - Microsoft_Word_Document1 Exhibit 2-2312 - ATO.001.957.0444_R - Agenda July 1st 2015 - DHS-ATO Forum (2) Exhibit 2-2313 - ATO.001.957.0301_R - Minutes DHS-ATO Data Forum 20150701 Exhibit 2-2314 - ATO.001.637.0020_R - Agenda DMF 30 March 2017 Exhibit 2-2315 - ATO.001.957.2583_R - Agenda DMF 21 March 2018 v0.1 Exhibit 2-2316 - ATO.001.957.2602 - Microsoft_Word_Document Exhibit 2-2317 - ATO.001.957.2600_R - Agenda DMF 26 April 2018 v1.0 Exhibit 2-2318 - ATO.001.957.2623 - Microsoft_Word_Document Exhibit 2-2319 - ATO.001.957.2619_R - Agenda DMF 21 June 2018 v0.1 Exhibit 2-2320 - ATO.001.957.2749 - Microsoft_Word_Document Exhibit 2-2321 - ATO.001.957.2747_R - Agenda DMF 19 October 2018 v0.1 Exhibit 2-2322 - ATO.001.957.2937 - Microsoft_Word_Document Exhibit 2-2323 - ATO.001.957.2946_R - Agenda DMF 13 February 2019 v0.2 Exhibit 2-2324 - ATO.001.680.0141 - DMF Minutes 20190213 v1.0 Exhibit 2-2325 - ATO.001.678.7872_R - Agenda DMF 20190430 Exhibit 2-2326 - ATO.001.682.7416 - DMF Minutes 20190430 v1.1 Exhibit 2-2327 - ATO.001.685.0592_R - Agenda DMF 20190730 Exhibit 2-2328 - ATO.001.689.8457 - DMF Minutes 20190730 v1.0 Exhibit 2-2329 - ATO.001.719.2508 - DMF Minutes 20201014 v1.0 Exhibit 2-2330 - ATO.001.957.3625 - DMF Minutes 20210414 Exhibit 2-2331 - ATO.001.957.3621 - DMF Minutes 20210623 v1.0 Exhibit 2-2332 - ATO.001.957.3746 - DMF Minutes 20211012 v1.0 Exhibit 2-2333 - ATO.001.957.3900 - 20220602_DMF Agenda v1.0 MVnotes Exhibit 2-2334 - ATO.001.957.3907 - DMF Minutes 20220502 v1.0 Exhibit 2-2335 - ATO.001.611.4170_R - ATO-DHS Data Management Forum - Agenda item request [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2336 - ATO.001.617.7750_R - FW- RAB request 164 [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2337 - ATO.001.622.3075_R - FW- Summary of 16-11 ATO-DHS data exchange workshop [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2338 - ATO.001.622.3077_R - Disclosing taxpayer information to DHS Exhibit 2-2339 - ATO.001.635.4782_R - RE- Incorrect attribution of income [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2340 - ATO.001.617.8677_R - FW- URGENT RE- RAB request 164 - Summary of PHU [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2341 - ATO.001.611.4190 - Microsoft_Word_Document4 Exhibit 2-2342 - ATO.001.617.7752_R - RAB-DHSReq-RAB1516-164 Exhibit 2-2343 - ATO.001.617.7933_R - RAB request 164 - Summary of PHU [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2344 - ATO.001.618.9435_R - RE- MYEFO briefing [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2345 - ATO.001.623.2988_R - RE- Use of TFN [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2346 - ATO.002.077.0348_R - RE- DMP Replacement - Further information [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2347 - ATO.001.923.9911_R - Merry Christmas from DHS [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2348 - ATO.001.924.0128_R - RE- Data Management Forum [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2349 - ATO.001.225.4323_R - Briefing Friday 9 december 2016 Exhibit 2-2350 - ATO.001.225.4324 - Discussion items Dec 2016 Exhibit 2-2351 - ATO.001.225.4721_R - FW- Briefing Friday 9 december 2016 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2352 - ATO.001.635.4502_R - RE- Query regarding ATO Data provided to Centrelink [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2353 - ATO.001.924.1655_R - RE- Media enquiry - DHS data matching - the Australian [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2354 - ATO.001.924.1912 - DHS Media Articles Exhibit 2-2355 - ATO.001.635.4940_R - Debrief on Media Attention [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2356 - ATO.001.635.7645 - Microsoft_Word_Document1 Exhibit 2-2357 - ATO.001.635.7787_R - DHS - Centrelink compliance and taxable income [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2358 - ATO.001.635.7788 - Centrelink Briefing Exhibit 2-2359 - ATO.001.644.2424_R - DHS Exhibit 2-2360 - ATO.001.645.9229_R - RE- DHS data exchange information request Exhibit 2-2361 - ATO.001.650.7056_R - FW- Smarter Data list of briefs for October Estimates [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2362 - ATO.001.664.9805_R - Re- Ethical Use of Data Case Study [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2363 - ATO.003.046.6124_R - FW- Important- Robo debt questions assistance please [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2364 - ATO.001.953.3970 - DHS-ATO Consult Forum minutes 15 Dec_CLEARED Exhibit 2-2365 - ATO.001.635.5898_R - DHS - Centrelink compliance and taxable income Exhibit 2-2366 - ATO.001.635.5904 - DHS Media Articles Exhibit 2-2367 - ATO.001.571.7794_R - DHS - Centrelink compliance and taxable income [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2368 - ATO.001.571.7854_R - FW- Data matching with DHS [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2369 - ATO.001.571.8033_R - FW- Data matching with DHS [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2370 - ATO.001.636.6952_R - Welcome Back Exhibit 2-2371 - ATO.001.572.1549_R - OCI Senior Executive Briefing [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2372 - ATO.001.636.9957_R - FW- [1.30- 2.30] Debrief by DHS Deputy Secretary Malisa Goligtly re Online Compliance Intervention Project [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2373 - ATO.001.572.5839_R - RE- Senate Inquiry into Centrelink Debt program [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2374 - ATO.001.572.5842_R - RE- Senate Inquiry into Centrelink Debt program [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2375 - ATO.001.572.5855 - Centrelink Briefing Exhibit 2-2376 - ATO.001.696.6172_R - What a week! [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2377 - ATO.001.696.6173_R - Weekly Issue Log Exhibit 2-2378 - ATO.001.696.6355_R - default assessments and data matching [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2379 - ATO.001.696.7196_R - Robodebt queries from CAS [DLM=FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY] Exhibit 2-2380 - ATO.001.645.5814_R - ATO DHS Operational meeting 7 July 2017 Exhibit 2-2381 - ATO.001.999.7060_R - FW- ATO-DHS Data Management Forum [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2382 - ATO.001.646.9282_R - DMF Minutes 20170720 v0.3 Exhibit 2-2383 - ATO.001.644.8213_R - FW- DHS-ATO Optimisation Working Group Exhibit 2-2384 - ATO.001.914.7824_R - FW- DHS multiple secrecy provisions [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2385 - ATO.001.914.7825_R - Application of tax secrecy provisions - information obtained by DHS Exhibit 2-2386 - ATO.001.620.0988_R - Papers for 22-1 ATO-DHS data optimisation plan teleconference [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2387 - ATO.001.621.0044_R - RE- Send TFN to DHS [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2388 - ATO.002.761.7420_R - DHS-ATO - Legal basis for sharing data with the ATO [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2389 - ATO.001.622.4736_R - FW- DHS-ATO - Legal basis for sharing data with the ATO [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2390 - ATO.001.993.1939_R - FW- 67972 - SIWP - EIM - DHS-ATO - Legal basis for sharing data with the ATO [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2391 - ATO.001.637.6865_R - FW- Short explanation of why on-disclosure rules don't apply to DHS [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2392 - ATO.001.617.7205_R - RE- DMP Replacement - Further information [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2393 - ATO.001.573.4839_R - RE- ATO comments and briefings - Query re Data Matching for DHS [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2394 - ATO.001.573.4846 - Ombudsman question Exhibit 2-2395 - ATO.001.615.3375 - 150915 Integration Forum - Secrecy and TFN provisions Exhibit 2-2396 - ATO.002.715.0623_R - Minutes April 23rd 2015 DHS - ATO Data Forum Exhibit 2-2397 - MBR.9999.0001.0002 - 2022.11.21 - NTG-0086 Exhibit 2-2398 - MBR.9999.0001.0001_R - MKB Witness Statement Final Exhibit 2-2399 - MBR.9999.0001.0004_R - 221209 - Supplementary Statement of Michael Kerr-Brown - NTG-0086 Exhibit 2-2400 - ATO.001.611.3690_R - Minutes January 29th 2015 DHS - ATO Data Forum Exhibit 2-2401 - ATO.004.358.0002_R - DHS & ATO Data Acquisistion Schedule v2.0 Exhibit 2-2402 - ATO.003.697.3205_R - RE- DHS Data Exchanges [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2403 - ATO.001.635.4786 - PAYG - Program Protocol Exhibit 2-2404 - ATO.001.635.4808 - Program Protocol DHS-ATO NEIDM Exhibit 2-2405 - ATO.004.359.0001 - annual-investment-income-report-data-matching-protocol-2017 Exhibit 2-2406 - ATO.001.610.6273_R - RE- DMP replacement project [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2407 - ATO.002.077.0342_R - RE- RC20 match attributes [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] [SEC=UNOFFICIAL] Exhibit 2-2408 - ATO.001.920.5066_R - RE- EIM - DHS and ATO Data Exchange [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2409 - ATO.001.919.9708_R - FW- Contact for RAB 164 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2410 - ATO.001.919.9711_R - FW- Formal costing request of ATO [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2411 - ATO.001.618.5492_R - RE- Contact for RAB 164 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2412 - ATO.001.920.7458_R - DMP MOU [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2413 - ATO.002.601.5106_R - RE- DMP MOU [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2414 - ATO.001.923.8748_R - FW- MO Request- Deputy PM OBO [REDACTED] [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2415 - ATO.001.923.8753 - [REDACTED] Exhibit 2-2416 - ATO.001.634.4722_R - FW- MO Request- Deputy PM OBO [REDACTED] [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2417 - ATO.001.923.9752_R - FW- MO Request- Deputy PM OBO [REDACTED] [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2418 - ATO.001.634.8786_R - FW- Briefing Friday 9 december 2016 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2419 - ATO.001.634.8788 - Discussion items Dec 2016 Exhibit 2-2420 - ATO.001.635.4507 - DHS Media Articles Exhibit 2-2421 - ATO.001.924.1702_R - RE- Incorrect attribution of income [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2422 - ATO.001.571.6908_R - -Media enquiry - DHS data matching - the Australian [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2423 - ATO.001.924.1725_R - RE- Incorrect attribution of income [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2424 - ATO.001.635.7914_R - FYI - Follow Media Enquiry [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2425 - ATO.001.635.5276_R - FW- DHS Data Matching Program Protocols [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2426 - ATO.001.635.5975_R - RE- Media enquiry - DHS data matching - the Australian [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2427 - ATO.001.635.7180_R - FW- DHS - Centrelink compliance and taxable income Exhibit 2-2428 - ATO.001.635.7482_R - Re- DHS - Centrelink compliance and taxable income [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2429 - ATO.001.635.8093_R - FW- Data matching with DHS [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2430 - ATO.001.636.1097_R - RE- Centrelink issue [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2431 - ATO.001.924.3040_R - RE- Request for assistance from Commonwealth Ombudsman - Centrelink debt data matching program [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2432 - ATO.001.573.0148_R - FW- Media Article This Morning [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2433 - ATO.001.644.3070_R - FW- Copy of documents as discussed during PHU on 21 June 2017 [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2434 - ATO.001.692.8647_R - STP Weekly Update or Governmnet SES Weekly Update Report [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2435 - ATO.001.692.8648_R - Weekly Issue Log Exhibit 2-2436 - ATO.001.695.7968_R - Latest Edition of CLR [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2437 - ATO.001.695.7969_R - Weekly Issue Log Exhibit 2-2438 - ATO.001.636.4245_R - FW- Things DHS [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2439 - ATO.001.635.5855_R - FW- -Centrelink compliance and taxable income - crikey article [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2440 - ATO.002.761.5324_R - Disclosing taxpayer information to DHS Exhibit 2-2441 - ATO.001.671.8021_R - RE- GC Advice --DHS have requested TAG details as reported in ITR [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2442 - ATO.001.939.7101_R - RE- ATO-DHS STP - Follow up advice [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive, ACCESS=Legal-Privilege] Exhibit 2-2443 - ATO.001.225.4722 - Discussion items Dec 2016 Exhibit 2-2444 - ATO.002.502.0001_R - GDA24 Exhibit 2-2445 - ATO.001.572.5821_R - RE- Senate Inquiry into Centrelink Debt program [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2446 - ATO.001.572.5824 - Centrelink Briefing Exhibit 2-2447 - ATO.001.572.5852_R - FW- Senate Inquiry into Centrelink Debt program [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2448 - ATO.001.637.0436_R - Updated Centrelink Briefing Paper [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2449 - ATO.001.637.0437 - Centrelink Briefing Exhibit 2-2450 - ATO.001.637.0650_R - RE- Updated Centrelink Briefing Paper [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2451 - ATO.001.637.0652 - Centrelink Briefing Exhibit 2-2452 - CPU.9999.0001.0039 - 2022.11.08 - NTG-0026 Exhibit 2-2453 - CPU.9999.0001.0003_R - Statement of Melissa Donnelly CPSU for Robodebt Royal Commission Exhibit 2-2454 - CPU.9999.0001.0002 - Annexure A - Chronology of Key Activities Exhibit 2-2455 - CPU.9999.0001.0004 - Annexure A - CPSU 2017-18 Pre-Budget Submission Exhibit 2-2456 - CPU.9999.0001.0005 - Annexure B - CPSU Better Management of Social Welfare Submission Exhibit 2-2457 - CPU.9999.0001.0006_R - Annexure C - Email to members re March 2017 Survey Exhibit 2-2458 - CPU.9999.0001.0007_R - Annexure D - March 2017 Survey Results Exhibit 2-2459 - CPU.9999.0001.0008 - Annexure E - CPSU Independent Review of APS Submission Exhibit 2-2460 - CPU.9999.0001.0009 - Annexure F - CPSU Inquiry into Online Compliance Program Submission Exhibit 2-2461 - CPU.9999.0001.0010_R - Annexure G - CPSU Human Rights and Technology submission Exhibit 2-2462 - CPU.9999.0001.0011_R - Annexure H - Michael Tull to Alan Tudge Exhibit 2-2463 - CPU.9999.0001.0012_R - Annexure I - Lisa Newman to Kathryn Campbell Exhibit 2-2464 - CPU.9999.0001.0013_R - Annexure J - Email re message from Alan Tudge Exhibit 2-2465 - CPU.9999.0001.0014_R - Annexure K - Alistair Waters to Deputy Secretary Exhibit 2-2466 - CPU.9999.0001.0015_R - Annexure L - Alistair Waters to Stuart Robert Exhibit 2-2467 - CPU.9999.0001.0016_R - Annexure M - 300117 Minutes CPSU National WHS Reps meeting on 25 Jan Exhibit 2-2468 - CPU.9999.0001.0017 - Annexure N - Advice re WHS and Robodebt Exhibit 2-2469 - CPU.9999.0001.0018_R - Annexure O - 20170502 Template letter HSRs to Agency Exhibit 2-2470 - CPU.9999.0001.0019_R - Annexure P - 20170507 Response Adrian Hudson to HSRs Exhibit 2-2471 - CPU.9999.0001.0020_R - Annexure Q - 310517 CPSU Markwick To Princehorn re OCI HS issues Exhibit 2-2472 - CPU.9999.0001.0021_R - Annexure R - 20170620 Princehorn to Markwick Exhibit 2-2473 - CPU.9999.0001.0022 - Annexure S - C2017 704 DHS v CPSU Exhibit 2-2474 - CPU.9999.0001.0023_R - Annexure T - RE C2017704 DHS v CPSU Exhibit 2-2475 - CPU.9999.0001.0024 - Annexure U - Bulletin to members Exhibit 2-2476 - CPU.9999.0001.0025_R - Annexure V - Member responses to bulletin Exhibit 2-2477 - CPU.9999.0001.0026 - Annexure W - CPSU Open Letter to DHS Customers Exhibit 2-2478 - CPU.9999.0001.0027 - Annexure X - Code of Conduct Letter Exhibit 2-2479 - CPU.9999.0001.0028_R - DIGNITY NOT DEBT Public Organising Meeting Invitation and Agenda Exhibit 2-2480 - CPU.9999.0001.0029 - Annexure Z - Proud to be Public Webpage (old - HTML only) Exhibit 2-2481 - CPU.9999.0001.0030 - Annexure Z1 - Campaign Flyer Exhibit 2-2482 - CPU.9999.0001.0031 - Annexure A1 - Proud to be Public Campaign Flyer Exhibit 2-2483 - CPU.9999.0001.0032 - Annexure B1 - Centrelink petition hard copy - find out more box Exhibit 2-2484 - CPU.9999.0001.0033 - Annexure C1 - Politics in the Pub Exhibit 2-2485 - CPU.9999.0001.0034 - Annexure D1 - Copy of flyer distributed at Hobart rally Exhibit 2-2486 - CPU.9999.0001.0035 - Annexure E1 - Robot costume Exhibit 2-2487 - CPU.9999.0001.0036 - Annexure F1 - Notes from meeting with Victoria Legal Aid Exhibit 2-2488 - CPU.9999.0001.0037 - Annexure G1 - CPSU media releases re Robodebt Exhibit 2-2489 - CPU.9999.0001.0038 - Annexure H1 - CPSU media quotes re Robodebt full articles Exhibit 2-2490 - RBD.9999.0001.0229 - Centrelink staff warned over leaks amid debt recovery row - ABC News