Day 21 − Hearing Block 2, 15 December 2022 You are here Home Day 21 − Hearing Block 2, 15 December 2022 Day 21 Date 15 December 2022 Location Brisbane Hearing Hearing Block 2 Exhibits Exhibit 1-1217;Exhibit 2-2808 - CTH.3001.0033.3350_R - FW Response to DSS - Employment Income Compliance Process [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2689 - KHA.9999.0001.0002 - 2022.10.20 - NTG-0020 (Harfield) Exhibit 2-2690 - KHA.9999.0001.0001_2_R2 - 20221204 NTG-0020 Statement of Karen Harfield(46617405.1) Exhibit 2-2691 - KHA.9999.0001.0003_R - 20221204 NTG-0020 Annexure A to Statement of K Harfield(46617414.1) Exhibit 2-2692 - KHA.9999.0001.0004_2_R - 20221204 NTG-0020 Annexure B to Statement of K Harfield (Question 14)(46617418.1) (2) Exhibit 2-2693 - CTH.3018.0028.1984 - PAYG Compliance Process Comparison.vsdx_ Exhibit 2-2694 - CTH.3018.0028.1985 - Attachment A - Additional key points v0.3 Exhibit 2-2695 - CTH.3000.0016.2584_R - EIM PN2015 5075 Out of session Meeting Minutes 24062016 v1.0 Exhibit 2-2696 - CTH.3023.0005.8673_R - FW- Findings resulting from analysis of remaining 7 assessment scenarios [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2697 - CTH.3023.0005.8679_R - FW- URGENT- ASAP For clearance please - Draft OCI Deputy Secretary brief [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2698 - CTH.3023.0005.8683 - OCI Brief for DEP Sec OCI SIP_V0 14 (clean) Exhibit 2-2699 - CTH.3034.0028.7077_R - Re- OCI Intervention Initiation plan [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2700 - CTH.3024.0006.9323_R - FW- September Debt and Compliance Report [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2701 - CTH.3024.0006.9327_2 - CTH.3024.0006.9327 Exhibit 2-2702 - CTH.3034.0030.3842_R - RE- URGENT Re- FOR INFORMATION- OCI issue impacting Employment Income Matching Budget measures. [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2705 - CTH.3034.0032.3616_R - FW- 12 Jan 2017 #CCD0411 - Ombudsman Issue of Interest - ONLINE COMPLIANCE PLATFORM AND CENTRELINK DEBT RECOVERY - DUE 17 JANUARY 2017 [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2706 - CTH.3034.0032.3619_R - 18594 JB SH - OCI Decision Making Process Exhibit 2-2707 - CTH.3000.0039.6396_R2 - Secretary Question - [REDACTED] - Earned Income Intervention program debt and claim for compensation - potential media interest [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2708 - CTH.3027.0051.2276_R - FW-EC18-000840 Secretary noted brief with annotations - Meeting with Commonwealth Ombudsman to discuss legal issues relating to Online Compliance Interventions Exhibit 2-2709 - CTH.3027.0051.2277_R - EC18-000840 Sec noted brief with annot Exhibit 2-2710 - CTH.3004.0012.2070_R - Masterton [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2711 - CTH.3004.0012.2071_R - EC19-000448 Exhibit 2-2712 - CTH.3027.0040.1864_R - FW- DHS Customer Compliance Division blueprint and summary documents [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 2-2713 - CTH.3027.0040.1869 - ThinkPlace - DHS Customer Compliance_v0.15 Exhibit 2-2714 - CTH.3034.0059.0416_R - FW- Final edits to the Strategy documents and Governance models [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 2-2715 - CTH.3034.0059.0417 - DHS CCD Strategy on a page_v1.0 Exhibit 2-2716 - CTH.3034.0059.0421 - ThinkPlace - DHS Customer Compliance_Governance model Exhibit 2-2717 - CTH.3001.0032.1109_R - FW- Averaging Income [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2718 - CTH.3075.0002.4986_R - FW- Averaging Income [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2719 - CTH.3023.0006.7731_R - FW- MB17-000036 - PDMS Notification - Record Assigned [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2720 - CTH.3023.0006.7732_R - MB17-000036 Final Exhibit 2-2722 - CTH.3001.0034.4173_R - Ministers Dashboard [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2723 - CTH.3001.0034.4174_2 - CTH.3001.0034.4174 Exhibit 2-2724 - CTH.3001.0034.4175_2 - CTH.3001.0034.4175 Exhibit 2-2725 - CTH.3001.0034.4176_2 - CTH.3001.0034.4176 Exhibit 2-2726 - CTH.2002.0006.0207_R - FW- PRINTED OCI escalation brief [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2727 - CTH.2002.0006.0204_R - Escalation Template - Customers incorrectly impacted by OCI Dep Sec Clea Exhibit 2-2728 - CTH.3034.0034.8803_R - Welcome Back - Update from Scott Halsall - 27 Mar 2017 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2729 - CTH.3027.0014.9723_R - FW- Approval of Staff moves from CCD to IPM Division [DLM=Sensitive-Personal] Exhibit 2-2730 - CTH.3023.0004.6161_R - FW- DMR - 67972 - EIM - Independent System Integration Testing (SIT) - Final Sign-Off Report -- Release Recommendation = Negative [SEC=UNOFFICIAL] Exhibit 2-2731 - CTH.3023.0004.6162_R - Test Summary Report EIM - DMR 67972 - System Integration Testing Exhibit 2-2732 - CTH.3023.0019.8459_R - FW- EIM SIT conditional sign off [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2733 - CTH.3023.0019.8276_R - RE- EIM SIT conditional sign off [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2734 - CTH.3023.0019.8741_R - RE- EIM SIT conditional sign off [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2735 - CTH.3023.0006.7608_R - FW- Response to DSS - Employment Income Compliance Process [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2736 - CTH.3001.0035.2878_R - Fwd- Respectful correction to Message from the Secretary 25 Jan 2017 [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2737 - CTH.3001.0035.2880_R - Response to the Secretary Exhibit 2-2738 - CTH.3001.0035.2886_R - PAYG Rapid Response Prompts Exhibit 2-2739 - CTH.3001.0035.2892_R - In-Confidence emails from Jan 2016 re concerns Exhibit 2-2740 - CTH.2002.0005.9850_R - Fwd- Respectful correction to Message from the Secretary 25 Jan 2017 [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2741 - CTH.3000.0025.5048_R - Draft response to staff member Colleen Taylor [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2742 - CTH.3027.0008.0693_R - New Information to Include - Update to draft response to staff member Colleen Taylor [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2743 - CTH.3027.0008.0696 - 15112016-OCI 066 OCI Investigating the Customer Record Exhibit 2-2744 - CTH.3027.0009.0351_R - FW- Update to draft response to staff member Colleen Taylor [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2745 - CTH.2002.0006.3734_R - FW- Update to draft response to staff member Colleen Taylor [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2746 - CTH.3034.0034.1818_R - 155209 - EC17-000241 - corro to Ms Colleen Taylor Exhibit 2-2747 - BLU.9999.0001.0001_R - NTG-0065 - Statement of Ben Lumley Exhibit 2-2748 - BLU.9999.0001.0002 - 2022.10.25 - NTG-0065 (Lumley) Exhibit 2-2749 - BLU.9999.0001.0005_R - NTG-0085 - Ben Lumley - Statement Exhibit 2-2750 - BLU.9999.0001.0006 - NTG-0085 Index of Documents Exhibit 2-2751 - BLU.9999.0001.0007 - 2022.11.17 - NTG-0085 (Lumley) Exhibit 2-2752 - CTH.3000.0001.6304_R - RE- 2015-16 Budget Measures [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 2-2753 - CTH.3000.0004.1446_R - RE- DMP replacement project [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2754 - CTH.3000.0004.4603_R - RE- DMP Replacement - Further information [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2755 - CTH.3000.0010.2157_R - RE- Formal costing request of ATO [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2756 - CTH.3000.0010.2162 - Proposed Data Fields Exhibit 2-2757 - ATO.001.617.7176_R - Proposed draft fields for DMP replacement Exhibit 2-2758 - CTH.3000.0014.6727_R - DMA Extract 2015 Exhibit 2-2759 - CTH.3000.0010.4571 - PAYG FILE LAYOUT Exhibit 2-2760 - CTH.3000.0036.4515_R - 2017 PAYG Extract has been sent [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2761 - CTH.3000.0023.8816_R - RE- Urgent action- Media response - data matching protocols [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2762 - CTH.3000.0029.3964_R - FW- for clearance EC17 000 757 Data Matching Protocols and Web Content [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2763 - CTH.3000.0029.8332_R - FW- URGENT Attachment A PAYG Protocol NEW VERSION as at 11 May 2017 [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2764 - CTH.3000.0029.8333 - Attachment A PAYG Protocol NEW VERSION as at 11 May 2017 Exhibit 2-2765 - CTH.2000.0003.6276_R - MS17-000504_v0.6 Exhibit 2-2766 - CTH.3000.0023.6618_R - RE- UPDATE- online compliance system media enquiry and protest website [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2767 - CTH.3508.0002.4920_R - Fwd- NPP - Further information on ATO data exchange [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2768 - CTH.3000.0013.3260_R - RE- Urgent - legislative framework for Employment Income Matching [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2769 - CTH.3000.0025.2873_R - OCI Senior Executive Briefing [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2770 - CTH.3000.0025.0759_R - RE- Senior Executive Briefing [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2771 - CTH.3000.0026.0383_R - PAYG Program Protocol [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2772 - CTH.3000.0030.3655_R - RE- Updated PAYG Program Protocol [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2773 - CTH.3000.0028.6813_R - RE- Draft email for Malisa re the Protocols [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2774 - CTH.3000.0028.6836 - DHS Website page Exhibit 2-2775 - CTH.3000.0028.6838 - EIM Protocol 2017 Exhibit 2-2776 - CTH.3000.0028.6854 - NEIDM Protocol 2016 Exhibit 2-2777 - CTH.3000.0028.6875 - OAIC Guidelines Exhibit 2-2778 - CTH.3000.0031.8901_R - Case selection filters (PAYG) - for implementation Exhibit 2-2779 - CTH.3000.0031.8902 - 170703 Case Selection Filters - PAYG_v1.0 Exhibit 2-2780 - CTH.2004.0004.9204_R - MS15-000294 - Department of Human Services' proposed option for savings initiative - returned unsigned by the Minister [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2781 - CTH.2004.0004.9205_R - MS15-000294 - returned brief Exhibit 2-2782 - CTH.3000.0004.8528_R - FW- Number of data matching files [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2783 - CTH.3000.0004.8529 - Number of Data matching Files received Exhibit 2-2784 - CTH.3000.0005.1584_R - Fwd- DMP Replacement [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2785 - CTH.3000.0005.2572_R - RE- DMP Replacement [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2786 - CTH.3000.0009.5230_R - OAIC Consultation Exhibit 2-2787 - CTH.3000.0010.0503_R - RE- DHS's Proposal [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2788 - ATO.003.697.5655_R - TFN Legal Issue [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2789 - CTH.3000.0024.5959_R - FW- OAIC and Legal communications [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2790 - CTH.3000.0024.5960_R - RE- Data-matching proposal [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 2-2791 - CTH.3000.0024.6022_R - Comments- PIA on the Non-Employment Income Data Matching Process [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2792 - CTH.3000.0024.6023_R - Letter to DHS re privacy impact assessment Exhibit 2-2793 - CTH.3000.0024.6025 - Comments to DHS data matching PIA Exhibit 2-2794 - CTH.3000.0024.6063_R - RE- data matching briefing for OAIC [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2795 - CTH.3000.0024.6085 - Non-employment income data matching letters DML Director Approved Exhibit 2-2796 - CTH.3000.0001.3654_R - Information [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2797 - CTH.3000.0001.3655 - ATO-DHS Data Exchanges Mar 14 Exhibit 2-2798 - CTH.3000.0001.3725 - One Page Information Sheet Exhibit 2-2799 - CTH.3000.0001.3735 - Payment & Program Risks Exhibit 2-2800 - CTH.3000.0001.8444_R - RE- DSS - PAYG analysis [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2801 - CTH.3000.0001.8445 - DSS - PAYG analysis Exhibit 2-2802 - CTH.3000.0001.8680_R - PAYG - Risk Category [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2803 - CTH.3715.0001.1010 - PAYG Pilot Stakeholder Meeting_Minutes 13052015 v0 1 Exhibit 2-2804 - CTH.3000.0008.2176_R - PAYG Debt % Analysis [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2805 - CTH.2002.0005.5182_R - FW- Data Matching [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2806 - CTH.3000.0026.1169_R - RE- PAYG Protocol [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 2-2807 - CTH.2002.0006.9655_R - Draft email for Malisa re the Protocols [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only]