Day 25 − Hearing Block 3, 25 January 2023 You are here Home Day 25 − Hearing Block 3, 25 January 2023 Day 25 Date 25 January 2023 Location Brisbane Hearing Hearing Block 3 Exhibits Exhibit 1-112;Exhibit 1-0112 - DSS.8001.0001.3405_R - FW- Request for information-documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 1-1228 - DSS.5001.0001.9593_R - FW- Senare Inquiry [SEC=UNOFFICIAL] Exhibit 1-1229 - DSS.5003.0001.1185_R - Advice on provision to Media ANAO audit of Fraud Prevention and Compliance Initiatives in Human Services report changes Exhibit 1-3;Exhibit 1-0003;Exhibit 1-0090 - DSS.5006.0001.2713_R - [D17 226681] Legal to Emmakate - advice re using smoothed tax data as last resort to raise debt Advice please Exhibit 1-82;Exhibit 1-0082 - DSS.8001.0001.3303_R - RE- URGENT ACTION- Due Wednesday, 22 February 2017- Request for meeting and-or documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-1372 - DSS.5023.0002.2781_R - FW- URGENT ACTION- Due Wednesday, 22 February 2017- Request for meeting and-or documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-1380 - DSS.5005.0001.0530_R - RE- Request for meeting and-or documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-1380 - DSS.5005.0001.0532 - Ombudsmans request for advice - 23 Feb 2017 - Cleared Exhibit 2-1384 - CTH.3008.0016.7788_R - Fwd- Request for information-documents under own motion investigation [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-1385 - DSS.5051.0001.0119_R - FW- Request for information-documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-1387 - DSS.5051.0001.0106_R - FW- Request for information-documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-1388 - DSS.5051.0001.0146_R - FW- Request for information-documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-1390 - DSS.5026.0001.0004_R - RE- Request for information-documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-1393 - DSS.5023.0002.2547_R - FW- Request for information-documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-1394 - DSS.5023.0002.2557_R - RE- Request for information-documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-1395 - DSS.5005.0001.0534_R - Request for information-documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-1427 - CTH.3005.0003.7079_R - FW- DSS Draft Response to Ombudsman draft report on DHS OCI system [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 2-2015 - DSS.8001.0001.3408_R - 0.6 Minister Brief#2 Exhibit 2-2151A - DSS.5045.0001.0004_R - FW_ Request for information_documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]_0 Exhibit 3-3531 - DBR.9999.0001.0002_R - 2022.11.15 - NTG-0099 (Brazel) Exhibit 3-3532 - DBR.9999.0001.0001_R - 20221125 NTG 0099 Statement of D Brazel Exhibit 3-3588B - CTH.2000.0007.5658_R - Fwd- Averaging [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3588C - CTH.2000.0007.5660_R - img-119163115-0001 Exhibit 3-3589 - RDB.9999.0001.0002_R - 2022.10.24 - NTG-0053 (de Burgh) Exhibit 3-3590 - RDB.9999.0001.0003_R - NTG-0053 Revised statement of Mr de Burgh Exhibit 3-3591 - RDB.9999.0001.0004_R - NTG-0053 Supplementary Statement Mr de Burgh Exhibit 3-3592 - AGJ.9999.0001.0002_R - 2022.12.21 - NTG-0142 Exhibit 3-3593 - AGJ.9999.0001.0001_R - Signed Response to NTG-0142 (redacted and searchable) Exhibit 3-3594 - AGJ.9999.0001.0003_R - Response to NTG-0142 Exhibit 3-3595 - RHU.9999.0001.0001_R - 2022.12.21 - NTG-0140 Exhibit 3-3596 - RHU.9999.0001.0003_R - NTG-0140 Hurman Updated Statement(46933793.1) Exhibit 3-3597 - JRI.9999.0001.0002_R - 2022.12.21 - NTG-0141 Exhibit 3-3598 - JRI.9999.0001.0001_R - Response to NTG-0141 JR final Exhibit 3-3599 - DSS.5061.0001.0162_R - E-mail regarding DHS compliance proposal - November 2014 [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3600 - DSS.5051.0001.0001_R - Meeting between DSS and CO relating to Centrelink Debt Recovery Investigation [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3601 - DSS.5113.0001.0052_R - FW- Commonwealth Ombudsman own motion investigation notice [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3602 - DSS.5031.0001.0001_R - FW- Legal Advice - Data matching- notifications and debt raising [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3603 - DSS.5113.0001.0054_R - IOI-2016-400007 - Mr Finn Prattt AO PSM Exhibit 3-3604 - DSS.5113.0001.0055_R - IOI-2016-400007 - The Hon Christian Porter MP Exhibit 3-3605 - DSS.5113.0001.0532_R - RE- -ACTION REQUIRED- - 2pm - Wednesday, 18 January 2017 - Secretary meeting with Kathryn Campbell DHS Secretary [SEC=UNOFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-3606 - DSS.5001.0002.2780_R - FW- Update on Online Compliance Intervention for Cabinet and DTC [SEC=PROTECTED] Exhibit 3-3607 - DSS.5086.0001.0866_R - debt and compliance dot points [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3608 - DSS.5086.0001.0867 - Document1 Exhibit 3-3609 - DSS.5113.0001.0204_R - PaI input - Social Security Stream - Action Register [SEC=PROTECTED, DLM=Sensitive-Cabinet] Exhibit 3-3610 - DSS.5113.0001.0205_R - PaI input - Social Security Stream - Action Register [SEC=PROTECTED, DLM=Sensitive-Cabinet] Exhibit 3-3611 - DSS.5113.0001.0206 - PaI input - Social Security Stream - Action Register week of 23 January ... (2) Exhibit 3-3612 - DSS.5113.0001.0051_R - Dot points for Secretary's meeting with Kathryn Campbell [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3613 - DSS.5113.0001.0600_R - FW- Advice please [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3614 - CTH.3004.0002.6764_R - Response- MS17-000095- Social Welfare Debt - Letters relating to the Interest Charge measure [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3615 - DSS.5018.0001.3190_R - PR21040672_Compliance and Debt Recovery - Secretary briefing for meeting with Porter - 9 February 2017 - 10 recovery fee, OCI, interest charge letters, expand tax garnishee Exhibit 3-3616 - DSS.5018.0001.3191_R - Secretary briefing template (2) (2) (3) (5) Exhibit 3-3617 - DSS.5001.0001.7799_R - RE- Response to questions [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-3618 - DSS.5018.0001.3186_R - PR21040655_Compliance and Debt Recovery - Summary table of issues for executive meetings - 10 recovery fee, OCI, interest charge letters, expand tax garnishee Exhibit 3-3619 - DSS.5018.0001.3187 - Summary table for Min meeting Exhibit 3-3620 - DSS.5018.0001.3205_R - PR21062771_Compliance and Debt Recovery - Stocktake of Activities for Dep Sec meeting - 13 February 2017 - 10 recovery fee, OCI, interest charge letters, expand tax garnishee Exhibit 3-3621 - DSS.5018.0001.3208 - Dec Sec meeting 13 Feb Exhibit 3-3622 - DSS.5018.0001.3210_R - PR21062775_Compliance and Debt Recovery - Post MO meeting notes for Finn - 10 February 2017 - 10 recovery fee, OCI, interest charge letters, expand tax garnishee Exhibit 3-3623 - DSS.5010.0001.0021_R - SB17-000072 Exhibit 3-3624 - CTH.3001.0036.2383_R - Action- - Key Points from DSS - DHS Meeting today [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3625 - DSS.5009.0001.0511_R - MS17-000238 Debt and Compliance Measures Status [SEC=PROTECTED, DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-3626 - DSS.5009.0001.0512_R - MS17-000238 - Debt and Compliance Measures Status - 15.2.17 Exhibit 3-3627 - DSS.5009.0001.0532_R - MS17-000238 - Request to Provide Ministerial Submission to MO or AMO within 6-10 Business Days of Critical Date - 14.2.17 Exhibit 3-3628 - DSS.5009.0001.0533_R - FW- MS17-000238 - Request to Provide Ministerial Submission to MO or AMO within 6-10 Business Days of Critical Date - 14.2.17 (2) [SEC=PROTECTED, DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3629 - DSS.5020.0001.0068_R - PR21062804_Compliance and Debt Recovery - DHS request for confirmation of requirements and required information - interest charge letters, expand tax garnishee - 14 February 2017 Exhibit 3-3630 - DSS.5020.0001.0069 - Tax Garnishee and Interest Charge v1 Exhibit 3-3631 - DSS.5009.0001.0555_R - FW- MS17-000238 - Request to Provide Ministerial Submission to MO or AMO within 6-10 Business Days of Critical Date - 14.2.17 (2) [SEC=PROTECTED, DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3632 - DSS.5020.0001.0072_R - PR21068850_Compliance and Debt Recovery - DSS Response to DHS request for confirmation of requirements - interest charge letters, expand tax garnishee - 16 February 2017 Exhibit 3-3633 - DSS.5020.0001.0074 - Tax Garnishee and Interest Charge v1 (2) Exhibit 3-3634 - CTH.2004.0009.5732_R - FW- sanctions paper [SEC=UNOFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-3635 - CTH.2004.0009.5733_R - BMC Meeting December 2016 - Paper - Administrative Sanctions and Prosecu... (9) (2) Exhibit 3-3636 - DSS.5018.0002.4233_R - RE- URGENT ACTION- Due Wednesday, 22 February 2017- Request for meeting and-or documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3637 - DSS.5113.0001.0596_R - FW- URGENT ACTION- Due Wednesday, 22 February 2017- Request for meeting and-or documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3638 - DSS.5113.0001.0602_R - RE- Legal Advice - Data matching- notifications and debt raising [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3639 - DSS.5113.0001.0588_R - FW- URGENT ACTION- Due Wednesday, 22 February 2017- Request for meeting and-or documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3640 - DSS.5113.0001.0590_R - FW- Advice please [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3641 - DSS.5113.0001.0592_R - RE- Legal Advice - Data matching- notifications and debt raising [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3642 - DSS.5051.0001.0068_R - Request for meeting and-or documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3643 - DSS.5051.0001.0070 - Ombudsmans request for advice - 23 Feb 2017 - Cleared Exhibit 3-3644 - DSS.5113.0001.0611_R - FW- Comments on the investigation of a complaint commenced with DHS - Centrelink - our reference- 2016-502780 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3645 - CTH.3008.0016.7790_R - 0.6 Minister Brief Exhibit 3-3646 - DSS.5051.0001.0121_R - 0.6 Minister Brief#2 Exhibit 3-3647 - DSS.5051.0001.0174_R - FW- Request for information-documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3648 - DSS.5051.0001.0187 - Background to DSS Position on Online Compliance Exhibit 3-3649 - DSS.5051.0001.0176_R - 0.6 Minister Brief#2 Exhibit 3-3650 - DSS.5051.0001.0188 - Combined 2014 and 2017 advice Exhibit 3-3651 - DSS.5051.0001.0149_R - 0.6 Minister Brief#2 Exhibit 3-3652 - DSS.5051.0001.0191_R - FW- Request for information-documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3653 - DSS.5051.0001.0194_R - 0.6 Minister Brief#2 Exhibit 3-3654 - DSS.5113.0001.0607_R - Fwd- FW- Meeting with Ombudsman - do we want Legals to attend- [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3655 - DSS.5113.0001.0609_R - Re- FW- Meeting with Ombudsman - do we want Legals to attend- [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3656 - DSS.5113.0001.0606_R - Canceled- Comments on the investigation of a complaint commenced with DHS - Centrelink - our reference- 2016-502780 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3657 - DSS.5031.0001.0062_R - FW- Request for information-documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3658 - DSS.5031.0001.0076 - Background to DSS Position on Online Compliance Exhibit 3-3659 - DSS.5031.0001.0065_R - 0.6 Minister Brief#2 Exhibit 3-3660 - DSS.5031.0001.0077 - Combined 2014 and 2017 advice Exhibit 3-3661 - DSS.5045.0001.0007 - Combined 2014 and 2017 advice Exhibit 3-3662 - DSS.5023.0002.2550 - Combined 2014 and 2017 advice Exhibit 3-3663 - DSS.5023.0002.2560_R - FW- Request for information-documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3664 - DSS.5023.0002.2563 - Combined 2014 and 2017 advice Exhibit 3-3665 - DSS.5086.0001.1110_R - RE- Issue re brief [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3666 - DSS.5086.0001.1112 - Combined 2014 and 2017 advice Exhibit 3-3667 - CTH.3827.0001.0907_R - RE- Issue re brief [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3668 - CTH.3827.0001.0909 - Combined 2014 and 2017 advice Exhibit 3-3669 - DSS.5005.0001.0536 - Combined 2014 and 2017 advice Exhibit 3-3670 - DSS.5003.0001.0944_R - PR30039311_MC17-004721 (NFA) - Online Compliance Intervention system - PM Brief - Letter to PM OCI Exhibit 3-3671 - DSS.5003.0001.0945_R - MC17-004721 Letter to the Prime Minister Exhibit 3-3672 - CTH.3001.0038.4450_R - RE- ATO attendance [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3673 - DSS.5113.0001.0001_R - FW- Ombudsman draft report - opportunity to comment [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3674 - DSS.5113.0001.0003_R - Report-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery-March 2017 (A447388) Exhibit 3-3675 - DSS.5113.0001.0035 - Appendix A and B Exhibit 3-3676 - DSS.5113.0001.0049_R - 20170310 - s 8(5) letter to DSS (A480911) Exhibit 3-3677 - DSS.5113.0001.0471_R - Finn's catch up with Kathryn Campbell, Thursday 16 March 2017 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3678 - DSS.5079.0001.0026_R - FW- Ombudsman draft report - opportunity to comment [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3679 - DSS.5079.0001.0029_R - Report-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery-March 2017 ( A447388) Exhibit 3-3680 - DSS.5079.0001.0061_R - 20170310 - s 8(5) letter to DSS (A480911) Exhibit 3-3681 - DSS.5079.0001.0063 - Appendix A and B Exhibit 3-3682 - DSS.5113.0001.0218_R - FOR REVIEW DSS Response- Ombudsman draft report - opportunity to comment [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3683 - DSS.5113.0001.0219_R - DSS Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI system March 2017 Exhibit 3-3684 - DSS.5113.0001.0222_R - Report-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery-March 2017 ( A447388) Exhibit 3-3685 - DSS.5113.0001.0254_R - 20170310 - s 8(5) letter to DSS (A480911) Exhibit 3-3686 - DSS.5113.0001.0256 - Appendix A and B Exhibit 3-3687 - DSS.5113.0001.0064_R - FW- FOR REVIEW DSS Response- Ombudsman draft report - opportunity to comment [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3688 - DSS.5113.0001.0066_R - DSS Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI system March 2017 Exhibit 3-3689 - DSS.5113.0001.0070_R - Report-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery-March 2017 ( A447388) Exhibit 3-3690 - DSS.5113.0001.0102_R - 20170310 - s 8(5) letter to DSS (A480911) Exhibit 3-3691 - DSS.5113.0001.0104 - Appendix A and B Exhibit 3-3692 - DSS.5113.0001.0270_R - FW- FOR REVIEW DSS Response- Ombudsman draft report - opportunity to comment [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3693 - DSS.5113.0001.0272_R - DSS Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI system March 2017 Exhibit 3-3694 - DSS.5113.0001.0276_R - Report-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery-March 2017 ( A447388) Exhibit 3-3695 - DSS.5113.0001.0308_R - 20170310 - s 8(5) letter to DSS (A480911) Exhibit 3-3696 - DSS.5113.0001.0310 - Appendix A and B Exhibit 3-3697 - DSS.5116.0001.0029_R - RE- Privacy Act preliminary inquiries outcome - CII17-00004 [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3698 - DSS.5116.0001.0044_R - RE- Privacy Act preliminary inquiries outcome - CII17-00004 [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3699 - DSS.5116.0001.0075_R - FW- Privacy Act preliminary inquiries outcome - CII17-00004 [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3700 - DSS.5116.0001.0077_R - Letter to DHS Exhibit 3-3701 - DSS.5116.0001.0083_R - 1536_001 Exhibit 3-3702 - DSS.5116.0001.0184_R - FW- Privacy Act preliminary inquiries outcome - CII17-00004 [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3703 - DSS.5116.0001.0186_R - AW letter to Privacy Commissioner re Fox investigation Exhibit 3-3704 - DSS.5116.0001.0191_R - FW- Privacy Act preliminary inquiries outcome - CII17-00004 [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3705 - DSS.5116.0001.0193_R - Letter to DHS Exhibit 3-3706 - DSS.5116.0001.0199_R - 1536_001 Exhibit 3-3707 - DSS.5113.0001.0460_R - RE- FOR REVIEW DSS Response- Ombudsman draft report - opportunity to comment [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3708 - DSS.5113.0001.0462_R - DSS Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI system March 2017 (2) Exhibit 3-3709 - DSS.5113.0001.0133_R - DSS Draft Response to Ombudsman draft report on DHS OCI system [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3710 - DSS.5113.0001.0134_R - DSS Draft Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI system March 2017 Exhibit 3-3711 - DSS.5051.0001.0303_R - FW- updated draft own motion report [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3712 - DSS.5051.0001.0305_R - Draft report--Track changes version for DHS-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery-provided 23 March 2017 Exhibit 3-3713 - DSS.5116.0001.0046_R - Privacy Act preliminary inquiries outcome - CII17-00004 [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3714 - DSS.5116.0001.0047_R - Letter to DHS Exhibit 3-3715 - DSS.5116.0001.0053_R - 1536_001 Exhibit 3-3716 - DSS.5116.0001.0101_R - FW- Privacy Act preliminary inquiries outcome - CII17-00004 [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3717 - DSS.5116.0001.0104_R - 1536_001 Exhibit 3-3718 - DSS.5116.0001.0118_R - FW- Privacy Commissioner's interpretation of protected information provisions in the social security law [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3719 - DSS.5116.0001.0121_R - Letter to DHS Exhibit 3-3720 - DSS.5116.0001.0127_R - 1536_001 Exhibit 3-3721 - DSS.5116.0001.0141_R - AGS Advice dated 22.2.2005 - Disclosure of protected information by DHS Minister Exhibit 3-3722 - DSS.5116.0001.0172_R - AGS Advice dated 31.5.2005 - Disclosure of protected information by DHS Minister Exhibit 3-3723 - CTH.3005.0003.7081_R - DSS Draft Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI system March 2017 Exhibit 3-3724 - DSS.5113.0001.0139_R - REVISED- FW- FOR DHS Comment- DSS Draft Response to Ombudsman draft report on DHS OCI system [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3725 - DSS.5113.0001.0140_R - DSS Draft Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI system March 2017 Exhibit 3-3726 - DSS.5113.0001.0145_R - Draft report--Track changes version for DHS-Centrelink's automated debt Exhibit 3-3727 - DSS.5113.0001.0182 - Appendix A and B Exhibit 3-3728 - DSS.5116.0001.0031_R - FW- Privacy Commissioner's interpretation of protected information provisions in the social security law [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3729 - DSS.5116.0001.0034_R - NOL4CMFD1_2018-03-23_17-09-05-421 Exhibit 3-3730 - DSS.5113.0001.0466_R - FW- Mark up of sections re Debt Recovery fee [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3731 - DSS.5113.0001.0467 - Mark up of sections re Debt Recovery fee Exhibit 3-3732 - DSS.5113.0001.0138_R - FW- Ombudsman Report Heads Up [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3733 - DSS.5116.0001.0067_R - RE- Privacy Commissioner's interpretation of protected information provisions in the social security law [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3734 - DSS.5116.0001.0097_R - Your reference- CII17-00004 - Response from Department of Human Services [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3735 - DSS.5116.0001.0098_R - Letter to Acting Information Commissioner Exhibit 3-3736 - DSS.5051.0001.0386_R - FW- Draft own motion report - DHS-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3737 - DSS.5051.0001.0388_R - Draft report -DHS-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery-28 March 2017 Exhibit 3-3738 - DSS.5051.0001.0555_R - FW- Draft own motion report - DHS-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery-Appendices C and D [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3739 - DSS.5051.0001.0556 - Draft report -Appendices C and D-DHS-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery-28 March 2017 Exhibit 3-3740 - DSS.5051.0001.0337_R - FW- Draft own motion report - DHS-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery-Appendices E, F and G [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3741 - DSS.5051.0001.0338 - Draft report -Appendices E to G-DHS-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery-28 March 2017 Exhibit 3-3742 - DSS.5113.0001.0057_R - FW- Revised Ombudsman Response- RE- Mark up of sections re Debt Recovery fee [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3743 - DSS.5113.0001.0059_R - DSS Draft Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI system 27 March 2017 Exhibit 3-3744 - DSS.5113.0001.0062_R - RE- Revised Ombudsman Response- RE- Mark up of sections re Debt Recovery fee [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3745 - DSS.5113.0001.0480_R - FW- RESPONSE FOR CLEARANCE- Draft own motion report - DHS-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3746 - DSS.5113.0001.0482_R - Draft report -DHS-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery-28 March 2017 Exhibit 3-3747 - DSS.5113.0001.0529_R - DSS Draft Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI system 30 March 2017 Exhibit 3-3748 - DSS.5113.0001.0534_R - RESPONSE FOR CLEARANCE- Draft own motion report - DHS-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3749 - DSS.5113.0001.0536_R - TRACKED CHANGES DSS Draft Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI system 30 March 2017 Exhibit 3-3750 - DSS.5113.0001.0539_R - DSS Draft Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI system 30 March Exhibit 3-3751 - DSS.5113.0001.0541_R - Draft report -DHS-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery-28 Ma Exhibit 3-3752 - DSS.5113.0001.0200_R - TRACKED CHANGES DSS Draft Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI system 30 March 2017 (2) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3753 - DSS.5113.0001.0201_R - TRACKED CHANGES DSS Draft Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI system 30 March 2017 (2) Exhibit 3-3754 - DSS.5113.0001.0473_R - FOR REF- COPIES OF DOCS- Secretary Minute - Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI System ... (2) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3755 - DSS.5113.0001.0474_R - TRACKED CHANGES DSS Draft Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI system 30 March 2017 (2) Exhibit 3-3756 - DSS.5113.0001.0477 - Clarifications to be provides to Ombudsman's office Exhibit 3-3757 - DSS.5113.0001.0478 - Secretary Minute - Response to Ombudsman Draft Report on DHS OCI System ... (2) Exhibit 3-3758 - DSS.5087.0001.2688_R - Recovery fee [SEC=PROTECTED, DLM=Sensitive-Cabinet] Exhibit 3-3759 - DSS.5038.0001.0014_R - FINAL RESPONSE TO BE SENT- Draft own motion report - DHS-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3760 - DSS.5038.0001.0016 - DSS Clarifications - DHS Online Compliance system Exhibit 3-3761 - DSS.5038.0001.0017_R - DSS Response to Ombudsman - DHS Online Compliance system Exhibit 3-3762 - DSS.5116.0001.0189_R - APB Key Priorities [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3763 - DSS.5003.0001.0714_R - Updated DSS Response to Ombudsmans Report on DHS OCI System [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3764 - DSS.5025.0002.6293_R - FW- Ombudsman Report [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3765 - DSS.5025.0002.6294_R - Draft report -DHS-Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery-28 Ma Exhibit 3-3766 - DSS.5116.0001.0015_R - Automatic reply- Ombudsman Report [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3767 - DSS.5003.0001.0715_R - Updated DSS Response to Ombudsmans Report on DHS OCI System Exhibit 3-3768 - DSS.5113.0001.0343_R - FW- Commonwealth Ombudsman own motion investigation - Final report [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3769 - DSS.5113.0001.0345_R - Report - Centrelink's automated debt raising and recovery system - April 2017 Exhibit 3-3770 - DSS.5113.0001.0458_R - Section 15 letter to Minister DSS (A492370) Exhibit 3-3771 - DSS.5113.0001.0459_R - Section 15 letter to Secretary DSS (A492368) Exhibit 3-3772 - DSS.5116.0001.0100_R - Meeting with OAIC on outcome of enquiries [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3773 - DSS.5116.0001.0001_R - RE- Legal Services Directions - Para 10 concern [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3774 - DSS.5116.0001.0002_R - OAIC submission CLC 27-04-18 Exhibit 3-3775 - DSS.5116.0001.0004_R - Attachment A - Letter to DHS Exhibit 3-3776 - DSS.5116.0001.0010_R - Attachment B - OLSC - Legal Services Directions Exemption Application - OAIC - paragrap.._ Exhibit 3-3777 - DSS.5116.0001.0014_R - Legal Services Directions - Para 10 concern [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3778 - DSS.5116.0001.0216_R - Draft submissions to OAIC re Fox [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3779 - DSS.5116.0001.0218_R - Attachment A - Letter to DHS Exhibit 3-3780 - DSS.5116.0001.0224_R - Attachment B - OLSC - Legal Services Directions Exemption Application - OAIC - paragrap.._ Exhibit 3-3781 - DSS.5116.0001.0226_R - OAIC submission CLC 27-04-18 Exhibit 3-3782 - DSS.5116.0001.0071_R - RE- Legal Services Directions - Para 10 concern [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3783 - DSS.5116.0001.0073_R - OAIC submission CLC 27-04-18 (2) Exhibit 3-3784 - DSS.5116.0001.0213_R - Submission regarding legal advice obtained by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner in relation to legislation administered by DSS [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3785 - DSS.5116.0001.0214_R - Letter to OIAC 27.04.18 Exhibit 3-3786 - DSS.5010.0001.0030_R - SB17-000207 Exhibit 3-3787 - CTH.3004.0004.3701_R - FW- DDS brief to MInister Porter- Request for infomration on 1 July Measures [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3788 - CTH.3004.0004.3702 - Brief to Minister - merged slides 21 May 8am Exhibit 3-3789 - DSS.5116.0001.0016_R - RE- Privacy Commissioner's interpretation of protected information provisions in the social security law [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-3790 - DSS.5116.0001.0020_R - Fwd- Public statement re CII17-00004 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3791 - DSS.5116.0001.0022_R - Notice of revocation of decision_DSS Exhibit 3-3792 - DSS.5116.0001.0023_R - Close letter to R - CII7 00004 - 230518 decision Exhibit 3-3793 - DSS.5116.0001.0027_R - -PRINTED-Notice of revocation of decision CII17-00004 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3794 - DSS.5116.0001.0028_R - Notice of revocation of decision_DSS Exhibit 3-3795 - DSS.5087.0001.2661_R - RE- Compliance questions [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3796 - DSS.5087.0001.2664 - 10 DSP Medical Reviews v4 Exhibit 3-3797 - DSS.5087.0001.2666 - 2. Extend EWPI - Income Data Matching_2 pages_MG Exhibit 3-3798 - DSS.5087.0001.2668 - 1 EWPI - Income Data Matching_2 pages_MG Exhibit 3-3799 - DSS.5087.0001.2670 - 6. Enforcing Welfare Recipient Obligations v3 Exhibit 3-3800 - DSS.5087.0001.2672 - 5. Increased Welfare Compliance for Assets and Investments_ v0.4 (002) Exhibit 3-3801 - CTH.4000.0056.6108_R - MC17-055053 - Letter to Tudge - Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare P Exhibit 3-3803 - CTH.4000.0047.8287_R - Strengthening Delivery of Welfare Payments - Final Report Exhibit 3-3804 - CTH.3001.0030.7078_R - img-Z06123324-0001 Exhibit 3-3805 - DSS.5078.0001.0608_R - RE- DHS measures- FW- FOR ACTION BY 4.00PM TUESDAY 13 DECEMBER- 3rd tranche of 2016-17 MYEFO Measure Summary Sheets [SEC=PROTECTED, DLM=Sensitive-Cabinet] Exhibit 3-3806 - CTH.3001.0031.5939_R - 154849 - BMC paper - Administrative Sanctions & Prosecutions - MG commen Exhibit 3-3807 - CTH.3001.0031.5943_R - BMC Meeting December 2016 - Paper - Administrative Sanctions and Prosecu Exhibit 3-3808 - CTH.3001.0034.3352_R - img-125173735-0001 Exhibit 3-3809 - CTH.3001.0034.6374_R - img-202094528-0001 Exhibit 3-3811 - CTH.4000.0001.2168_R - FW- FOR ACTION - Final input for the Portfolio Budget Submission {Due by 12pm 30 Jan 2019} [SEC=PROTECTED,DLM=Sensitive-Cabinet] Exhibit 3-3812 - CTH.4000.0001.2172_R - MS19-000029 - Update on Income Compliance v0.1 Exhibit 3-3813 - CTH.4000.0001.2178_R - RE- draft Minister brief [SEC=PROTECTED,DLM=Sensitive-Cabinet] Exhibit 3-3814 - DSS.5002.0001.0043_R - PR25648861_2017 - February - Department Org Chart Exhibit 3-3814A - DSS.6500.0001.0003_R - FW- FOR CLEARANCE- Request for dot points - Secretary meeting with Kathryn Campbell [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]