Day 26 − Hearing Block 3, 27 January 2023 You are here Home Day 26 − Hearing Block 3, 27 January 2023 Day 26 Date 27 January 2023 Location Brisbane Hearing Hearing Block 3 Exhibits Exhibit 3-3500;Exhibit 3-4206 - TCA.9999.0001.0036 - Peter Martin, 'Extortion No Way to Fix the Budget' (SMH) Exhibit 3-3989 - CDP.9999.0001.0002_R - 2022 11 29 - Notice to Give - NTG-0112 (CDPP) Exhibit 3-3990 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R - NTG-0112 Statement response Exhibit 3-3991 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R_0016 - Exhibit JEC-01 - Prosecution Policy Exhibit 3-3992 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R_0048 - Exhibit JEC-02 - Social Security Fraud Prosecutions Manual Exhibit 3-3993 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R_0132 - Exhibit JEC-03 - Social Security Fraud Prosecutions Manual Exhibit 3-3994 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R_0227 - Exhibit JEC-04 - Better Practice Guide- Investigation of Undisclosed or Under-declared Income Exhibit 3-3995 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R_0245 - Exhibit JEC-05 - Better Practice Guide- Investigation of Undisclosed or Under-declared Income Exhibit 3-3996 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R_0291 - Exhibit JEC-06 - Centralised Correspondence Report Exhibit 3-3997 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R_0306 - Exhibit JEC-07 - Email from James Carter to Kate Buddy of DHS entitled, -Meeting tomorrow- Exhibit 3-3998 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R_0311 - Exhibit JEC-08 - Email from Gary Clarke of DHS to James Carter entitled, -Action item - CDPP-SA meeting on 3-6-2020- Exhibit 3-3999 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R_0314 - Exhibit JEC-09 - Email from Gary Clarke of DHS to Kellie McCann of CDPP entitled, -FW- Receipt for digital referral 1298- Exhibit 3-4000 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R_0318 - Exhibit JEC-10 - Email from Alexandra Thomas of CDPP to Gary Clarke and others at DHS entitled, --Robodebt- - Action items - CDPP-SA meeting on 3-6-2020- Exhibit 3-4001 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R_0321 - Exhibit JEC-11 - Email from Gary Clarke of DHS to Alexandra Thomas of CDPP entitled, -RE- -Robodebt- - Action items - CDPP-SA meeting on 3-6-2020- Exhibit 3-4002 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R_0325 - Exhibit JEC-12 - Email from James Carter to Kate Buggy and Toni Conrad of DHS entitled, -Meeting tomorrow- Exhibit 3-4003 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R_0330 - Exhibit JEC-13 - Email of Santo De Pasquale of CDPP to Luke Wallis of DHS attaching letter entitled, FDC Briefs of Evidence - Overpayment calculations- Exhibit 3-4004 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R_0333 - Exhibit JEC-14 - Email chain including an email of Darren White of DHS to Santo De Pasquale of CDPP entitled, BI Legal advice re assessing FDC income 201006 Exhibit 3-4005 - CDP.9999.0001.0004_R_0345 - Exhibit JEC-15 - Annexure A Exhibit 3-4006 - CDP.9999.0001.0005_R - 20230123 Supplementary statement of James Edwin Carter (Redacted) Exhibit 3-4007 - CDP.9999.0001.0005_R_0005 - Exhibit JEC-16 Memorandum of Lauren Catanzariti entitled [Redacted] Decision to commence prosecution following outcome of administrative appeals Exhibit 3-4008 - CDP.9999.0001.0005_R_0011 - Exhibit JEC-17 Email chain between Sarah Stewart of Services Australia and Lauren Catanzariti of the CDPP entitled Re- The matter of [redacted] CRN [redacted] Exhibit 3-4009 - CDP.9999.0001.0005_R_0015 - Exhibit JEC-18 RE- COURT UPDATE MATTER OF [redacted] and attached letter dated 17 Dec 2020 from Services Australia letterhead to [redacted] Exhibit 3-4010 - CDP.9999.0001.0005_R_0021 - Exhibit JEC-19 Letter from Services Australia to [redacted] entitled Formal review of decision Exhibit 3-4011 - CDP.9999.0001.0005_R_0026 - Exhibit JEC-20 Email chain between Andrew Doyle and Michelle Sewell of the CDPP dated 19 April 2021 entitled RE- [redacted] recommendation to discontinue- Exhibit 3-4012 - CDP.9999.0001.0005_R_0029 - Exhibit JEC-21 Email of Lauren Catanzariti of the CDPP to Kathy Piechutowska of the CDPP entitled [redacted] 2019 PR00319 Exhibit 3-4013 - RBD.9999.0001.0292_R - Draft Notice to Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (NTG-0112) - Comments [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive, ACCESS=Legal-Privilege] Exhibit 3-4014 - RBD.9999.0001.0293_R - 2022 11 23 DRAFT - NTG-0112 (CDPP) Exhibit 3-4015 - RBD.9999.0001.0296_R - Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme - Notice to Give - NTG-0112 - Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions - Request for extension of time [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4016 - RBD.9999.0001.0298_R - 2022 11 29 - Letter to R Prince - NTG-0112 (CDPP) Exhibit 3-4017 - RBD.9999.0001.0297_R - 2022 11 29 - Notice to Give - NTG-0112 (CDPP) Exhibit 3-4018 - RBD.9999.0001.0290_R - RE- Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme - Notice to Give - NTG-0112 - Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions - Request for extension of time [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4019 - RBD.9999.0001.0291_R - RE- Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme - Notice to Give NTG-0112 - Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions - Request for extension of time [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4020 - CTH.3095.0002.9238_R - RE- PRINTED CE brief- Letter to the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosections [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4021 - CTH.3095.0002.9240_R - EB15-212 signed Exhibit 3-4022 - CDP.0001.0007.9458_R - 20161107 - Email - K laws (DHS) to K rayner and R ogden (CDPP) RE Online Compliance Interventions Exhibit 3-4023 - CDP.0001.0014.3860_R - FW- Centrelink Conference report [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4024 - CDP.0001.0014.3862 - min re conf report Exhibit 3-4025 - CDP.0001.0014.3863 - Minutes FINAL 25 May07 Exhibit 3-4026 - CDP.0001.0014.2627_R - FW- DRAFT - Employment income better practice guide - request for CDPP assistance [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4027 - CDP.0001.0014.2629 - Better Practice Guide - Employment income March 2015 Exhibit 3-4028 - CDP.0001.0014.2646 - Better Practice Guide MOC Investigations Exhibit 3-4029 - CDP.0001.0014.2647 - CSDA Brief Assessment Exhibit 3-4030 - CDP.0001.0014.7231_R - RE- Draft minutes - Centrelink Focus Group - 20 January 2017 Exhibit 3-4031 - CDP.0001.0014.7233 - Final minutes - Centrelink Focus Group - 20 January 2017 Exhibit 3-4032 - CDP.0001.0014.6697_R - RE- Centrelink Fraud Prosecutions Manual - 23 Dec update [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4033 - CDP.0001.0014.6700 - 0271_Centrelink fraud PM_v1 310717 Exhibit 3-4034 - CDP.0001.0014.7041_R - FW- Keir - Proposed course robodebt class action [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4035 - CDP.0001.0014.7044_R - Letter - electronic to Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions Exhibit 3-4036 - CDP.0001.0014.7045_R - CDP.0001.0014.7045 Exhibit 3-4037 - CDP.0001.0007.8461_R - FW- Robo Debt discussion - Zoom Meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4038 - CDP.0001.0007.8463_R - FW- FDC- Services Australia Referrals [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4039 - CDP.0001.0007.8497_R - FW- FDC- Services Australia Referrals [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4040 - CDP.0001.0007.8531 - Amato - Orders Exhibit 3-4041 - CDP.0001.0007.8532_R - FW- 2020.04.03 Letter to DHS re FDC Fraud Referrals of Briefs of Evidence (002) [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4042 - CDP.0001.0012.1549_R - FW- Robo Debt Notes of discussion 26 May 2020 [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4043 - CDP.0001.0010.1755_R - FW- Robodebt class action notices and prosecutions [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4044 - CDP.0001.0010.1758_R - 2020-05-28_171516 Exhibit 3-4045 - CDP.0001.0008.0255_R - Robodebt Scheme Request for Information [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4046 - CDP.0001.0012.0967_R - Matters in Court - Summary list Exhibit 3-4047 - CDP.0001.0012.0968_R - Under assessment - summary list Exhibit 3-4048 - CDP.0001.0014.2841_R - Fwd- Action Items - CDPP-SA Meeting on 3-6-2020 [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4049 - CDP.0001.0014.2844_R - Matters in Court - Summary list Exhibit 3-4050 - CDP.0001.0014.2843_R - Under assessment - summary list Exhibit 3-4051 - CDP.0001.0014.3973_R - URGENT ACTION- Matters to be suspended - potential Robodebt impacts [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4052 - CDP.0001.0010.1066_R - RE- Action Items - CDPP-SA Meeting on 3-6-2020 [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4053 - CDP.0001.0010.1069_R - Under assessment - summary list from SA Exhibit 3-4054 - CDP.0001.0012.3038_R - Digital Referral 1298 Submission Report Exhibit 3-4055 - CDP.0001.0010.1690 - Robodebt [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4056 - CDP.0001.0010.1692_R - Robodebt Letter Exhibit 3-4057 - CDP.0001.0010.1693 - Amato - Orders Exhibit 3-4058 - CDP.0001.0010.1701_R - J280378043 Exhibit 3-4059 - CDP.0001.0014.1697_R - Matters Flagged by Services Australia - Analysis by CDPP Exhibit 3-4060 - CDP.0001.0010.0633_R - Matters Flagged by Services Australia - Analysis by CDPP - comments by SA Exhibit 3-4061 - CDP.0001.0014.6825_R - Robodebt [SEC=OFFICIAL-Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4062 - CDP.0001.0014.6827 - Amato - Orders Exhibit 3-4063 - CDP.0001.0014.6835_R - J280378043 Exhibit 3-4064 - CDP.0001.0014.6842_R - Robodebt Letter Exhibit 3-4126 - CDP.0001.0014.7226 - Services Aust-CDPP robodebt discussion notes 3 June 2020 Exhibit 3-4127 - CDP.0001.0020.0234_R - DHS CDPP National Conference 2016 - Minutes 30 November 2016 - with CDPP track changes Exhibit 3-4128 - CDP.0001.0020.0796 - DHS CDPP Conference Meeting Minutes - 26 Nov 2015 Exhibit 3-4128A - CDP.9999.0001.0006 - PGI-RBF-010 Exhibit 3-4129 - CDP.0001.0020.0801_R - MINUTES Services Australia-CDPP National Liaison 2 March 2021 (CDPP) final Exhibit 3-4130 - CDP.0001.0020.0887_R - MINUTES Services Australia-CDPP National Liaison 31 August 2021 (CDPP) FINAL Exhibit 3-4131 - AFR.9999.0001.0002_R - 2022.10.18 - NTG-0023 (Fredericks) Exhibit 3-4132 - AFR.9999.0001.0001_R - Anna Fredericks - Signed Statement Exhibit 3-4133 - KLU.9999.0001.0002_R - 2022.11.28 - NTG-0108 Exhibit 3-4134 - KLU.9999.0001.0003_R - NTG-0108 Statement of K Lumley (Amended Doc IDs) Exhibit 3-4135 - AES.9999.0001.0002_R - 2022.11.28 - NTG-0109 Exhibit 3-4136 - AES.9999.0001.0001_R - NTG-109 - Statement of A Essex (Footnote Amendments) Exhibit 3-4137 - DSS.5006.0001.0683_R - DRAFT ADVICE- Legal advice sought on issue relating to RecoveryFee and PAYG Online Intervention [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4138 - DSS.8001.0001.5218_R - RE- Robodebt Articles [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4139 - IAL.9999.0001.0002_R - Registration Database New 2017 Exhibit 3-4140 - IAL.9999.0001.0001 - AIAL Conference Program FINAL Exhibit 3-4142 - DSS.5093.0001.0314_R - RE- Robodebt Articles [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-4143 - DSS.5093.0001.0246_R - REQUEST FOR LEGAL ADVICE- Request for AGS advice - income averaging [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4144 - DSS.5044.0001.2430_R - RE- REQUEST FOR LEGAL ADVICE- Request for AGS advice - income averaging [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4145 - DSS.5036.0001.0004_R - RE- REQUEST FOR LEGAL ADVICE- Request for AGS advice - income averaging [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4146 - DSS.5044.0001.2410_R - FW- Request for legal advice- Department of Social Services - Income Smoothing Advice [CU-Legal fID2448483] [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4147 - DSS.5044.0001.0176_R - FW- Request for legal advice- Department of Social Services - Income Smoothing Advice [CU-Legal fID2448483] [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4148 - DSS.5004.0001.5840_R - EC18-000245 Secretary Minute - Compliance update SIGNED Exhibit 3-4149 - DSS.5095.0001.0025_R - Compliance [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4150 - DSS.5093.0001.0378_R - DHS 2015 Legal Advice - ATO Data matching Legal Advice [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4151 - DSS.5093.0001.0394_R - Legal advice sent to Ombudsman March 2017 - Online Compliance legal advice sent to the Ombudsman - Request for information-documents [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4152 - DSS.5093.0001.0361_R - DSS 2014 - Legal Advice - Data matching- notifications and debt raising [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4153 - DSS.5093.0001.0365_R - DSS 2017 Legal Advice - income averaging [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4154 - DSS.5093.0001.0367_R - Draft External Legal Advice 2018 - Request for legal advice- Department of Social Services - Income Smoothing Advice [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4155 - DSS.5093.0001.0026_R - Compliance [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4156 - DSS.5099.0001.0001_R - FW- EIC implementation phase 2 - letter [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4157 - DSS.5099.0001.0003_R - EIC Implementation Phase 2 - SAO letter to DSS post entry meeting Exhibit 3-4158 - DSS.5093.0001.0027_R - FW- Online Compliance Legal Advice Timeline and Summary [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4159 - DSS.5093.0001.0313_R - RE- Online Compliance Legal Advice Timeline and Summary [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4160 - DSS.5095.0001.0019 - DSS.000588943 Exhibit 3-4161 - DSS.5003.0001.0768_R - DSS response to- Implementation of recommendations of the Commonwealth Ombudsman-s own motion report 02-2017 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4162 - DSS.5003.0001.0770_R - BM SIGNED - DSS Response to Commonwealth Ombudsman on phase 2 of the inv Exhibit 3-4163 - DSS.5044.0001.0169_R - Allyson - Handover 12 Oct [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4164 - DSS.5044.0001.0170 - Allyson - Handover 12 Oct Exhibit 3-4166 - DSS.5093.0001.0312_R - RE- Media - Robodebt [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-4167 - DSS.5093.0001.0316_R - FW- Online Compliance Legal Advice Timeline and Summary [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4168 - DSS.5093.0001.0359 - Online Compliance Legal Advice Timeline and Summary Exhibit 3-4169 - DSS.5093.0001.0012_R - FW- Media - Robodebt [SEC=OFFICIAL] Exhibit 3-4170 - DSS.5093.0001.0014 - Robodebt article Exhibit 3-4171 - DSS.5093.0001.0197_R - FW- Online Compliance Legal Advice Timeline and Summary [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4172 - DSS.5062.0001.0340_R - Letter from Secretary to Minister Fletcher attached to IMB Exhibit 3-4173 - DSS.5062.0001.0072_R - Final Part 1 Incoming Minister Brief Master Fletcher Exhibit 3-4174 - DSS.5004.0001.9262_R - Final Part 2 Incoming Minister Brief -Master Exhibit 3-4175 - CTH.2004.0002.7091_R - RE- FOR URGENT ACTION- Exposure Draft Corrigendum - (2015-16 Budget- DSS Portfolio Budget Submission) [DLM=Sensitive] Exhibit 3-4177 - DSS.5036.0001.0001_R - RE- REQUEST FOR LEGAL ADVICE- Request for AGS advice - income averaging [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4178 - DSS.5036.0001.0007_R - FW-LEX42769 DSS Yall NSA debts AAT1 AFAR-no appeal recommended referral to Department recommended-instructions required-appeal deadline 12 June 2018 instructions by 11 June 2018 Exhibit 3-4179 - DSS.5036.0001.0008_R - [REDACTED] - AFARm Exhibit 3-4180 - DSS.5036.0001.0054_R - ARO decision Exhibit 3-4181 - DSS.5036.0001.0064_R - Letter 23.10.15 Exhibit 3-4182 - DSS.5036.0001.0082_R - RE-LEX42769 DSS Yall NSA debts AAT1 AFAR-no appeal recommended referral to Department recommended-instructions required-appeal deadline 12 June 2018 instructions by 11 June 2018 Exhibit 3-4183 - DSS.5036.0001.0083_R - RE-LEX42769 DSS Yall NSA debts AAT1 AFAR-no appeal recommended referral to Department recommended-instructions required-appeal deadline 12 June 2018 instructions by 11 June 2018 Exhibit 3-4184 - DSS.5036.0001.0084_R - LEX35303 - RFQ and Procurement Plan Exhibit 3-4185 - DSS.5036.0001.0091_R - RE- Letter from Commonwealth Ombudsman to Janean - REQUEST FOR LEGAL ADVICE- Request for AGS advice - income averaging [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4186 - DSS.5036.0001.0095_R - FW-LEX42769 DSS Yall NSA debts AAT1 AFAR-no appeal recommended referral to Department recommended-instructions required-appeal deadline 12 June 2018 instructions by 11 June 2018 Exhibit 3-4187 - DSS.5036.0001.0096_R - LEX35303 - RFQ and Procurement Plan Exhibit 3-4188 - DSS.5036.0001.0099_R - RE:LEX42769 DSS Yall NSA debts AAT1 AFAR-no appeal recommended referral to Department recommended-instructions required-appeal deadline 12 June 2018 instructions by 11 June 2018 Exhibit 3-4189 - DSS.5036.0001.0101_R - RE-LEX42769 DSS Yall NSA debts AAT1 AFAR-no appeal recommended referral to Department recommended-instructions required-appeal deadline 12 June 2018 instructions by 11 June 2018 Exhibit 3-4192 - DSS.5036.0001.0113_R - RE- REQUEST FOR LEGAL ADVICE- Request for AGS advice - income averaging [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4193 - DSS.5036.0001.0126_R - RE- Request for legal advice- Department of Social Services - Income Smoothing Advice [CU-Legal fID2448483] [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4194 - DSS.5036.0001.0127_R - RE- REQUEST FOR LEGAL ADVICE- Request for AGS advice - income averaging [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4195 - DSS.5036.0001.0130_R - Request for legal advice - Administrative law Social Security [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4196 - DSS.5036.0001.0157_R - LEX35303 - RFQ and Procurement Plan Exhibit 3-4197 - DSS.5036.0001.0167_R2 - FW- Legal Advice - Data matching- notifications and debt raising [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4198 - DSS.5036.0001.0171_R - RE- REQUEST FOR LEGAL ADVICE- Request for AGS advice - income averaging [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4199 - DSS.5036.0001.0174_R - 19-07-2018_16-01-01_1 Exhibit 3-4200 - DSS.5036.0001.0178_R - RE- Request for legal advice - Administrative law Social Security [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4201 - DSS.5036.0001.0183_R - FW- Letter from Commonwealth Ombudsman to Janean - REQUEST FOR LEGAL ADVICE- Request for AGS advice - income averaging [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4202 - DSS.5036.0001.0190_R - RE- REQUEST FOR LEGAL ADVICE- Request for AGS advice - income averaging [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-4203 - DSS.5036.0001.0193_R - RE-LEX42769 DSS Yall NSA debts AAT1 AFAR-no appeal recommended referral to Department recommended-instructions required-appeal deadline 12 June 2018 instructions by 11 June 2018 Exhibit 3-4204 - DSS.5037.0001.0666 - Copy of D16 8696198 DHS DSS SOS - Flowchart of AAT1 Appeals Process Exhibit 3-4205 - DSS.5037.0001.0676 - D16 8696194 Attachment B to SOS (October 2016) - Appeals Process - Timeframes