Day 31 − Hearing Block 3, 3 February 2023 You are here Home Day 31 − Hearing Block 3, 3 February 2023 Day 31 Date 3 February 2023 Location Brisbane Hearing Hearing Block 3 Exhibits Exhibit 3-3815 - PWC.9999.0001.0001_R - 2022.11.18 - NTG-0118 Exhibit 3-3816 - PWC.9999.0001.0004_R - Statement of Shane Michael West_30 November_2022_final Exhibit 3-3817 - PWC.9999.0001.0005_R - Supplementary Statement of S West Robodebt Scheme_final - 6 December 2022 Exhibit 3-3818 - PWC.9999.0001.0003_R - 20221130 Letter to Solicitors assisting the Royal Commission - Statement of Shane Michael West Exhibit 3-3819 - PWC.1007.1001.0005_R - Shane west contact Exhibit 3-3820 - PWC.1007.1001.0008_R - Business Process Improvement proposal Exhibit 3-3821 - PWC.1007.1001.0032_R - RE- word version of draft proposal [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3822 - PWC.1007.1001.0033_R - PwC - DHS compliance and fraud activities business process improvement_final_draft KF Exhibit 3-3823 - PWC.1007.1001.0045_R - RE- word version of draft proposal [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3824 - PWC.1007.1001.0047_R - PwC - Centrelink business process improvement_updated_draft_08022017 Exhibit 3-3825 - PWC.1007.1001.0057_R - RE- word version of draft proposal [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3826 - PWC.1007.1001.0059_R - PwC - Centrelink business process improvement_updated_draft_08022017 Exhibit 3-3827 - PWC.1007.1001.0086_R - PwC proposal [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3828 - PWC.1007.1001.0087_R - PwC - Centrelink business process improvement_final_10022017 Exhibit 3-3829 - PWC.1007.1001.0099_R - RE- PwC proposal [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3830 - PWC.1007.0002.0001 - EIC process map - Level 1 v1.0 20170404 Exhibit 3-3831 - PWC.1007.0002.0002 - Manual PAYG Intervention process map_v1.0 20170404 Exhibit 3-3832 - PWC.1007.0002.0003 - EIC process maps - Level 2_v1.0 20170404 Exhibit 3-3833 - PWC.1007.0002.0034 - Implementation Roadmap - Workstreams v0.3 20170529 Exhibit 3-3834 - PWC.1007.0010.0300 - 171122 Case Selection Filters - PAYG_v4.0 Exhibit 3-3835 - PWC.1007.1004.0606 - 180201_DHS Perform diagnostic v.7.0 Exhibit 3-3836 - PWC.1007.1004.6604 - 180730_Perform Pilot - Post Implementation Review v1.0 (1) Exhibit 3-3837 - PWC.1007.0010.3279 - DHS Perform Pilot - Post Implementation Review - Phase 2 Exhibit 3-3838 - PWC.1007.1004.9882 - DHS Perform Pilot - Post Implementation Review v.1 Exhibit 3-3839 - PWC.1007.0014.0001 - DHS CCD - BOOST Wave 4 Post Implementation Review - Final Exhibit 3-3840 - PWC.1007.0014.0021 - DHS CCD BOOST Framework_Final Exhibit 3-3841 - PWC.1007.0014.0043 - DHS Boost - Post Implementation Review - draft for discussion v1 Exhibit 3-3842 - PWC.1007.0014.0055 - DHS CCD - BOOST Wave 4 Post Implementation Review - Draft For Comment v.2 Exhibit 3-3843 - PWC.1007.1001.0069_R - RE- word version of draft proposal [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Exhibit 3-3844 - PWC.1007.0004.2039_R - 2017-02-16 Business Process Improvement Initiative Exhibit 3-3845 - PWC.1007.0004.2149 - 170224 Meeting 6 Notes - Business Compliance, Mark Whitnell Exhibit 3-3846 - PWC.1007.0004.2221 - 170227 Meeting 7 Notes - Older Australians Division, Melissa Ryan (GM) and Pam Saunders (NM) Exhibit 3-3847 - PWC.1007.0004.2225 - 170228 Meeting 9 Notes - Customer Payment Services, Jim McMahon Exhibit 3-3848 - PWC.1007.1003.1649_R - Notes from meeting this afternoon Exhibit 3-3849 - PWC.1007.0004.2319 - 170221 Meeting 2 Notes - Compliance Risk Branch, Tenille Collins Exhibit 3-3850 - PWC.1007.0004.2322 - 170222 Meeting 4 Notes - Working Age Programmes and Compliance Branch, Joanna Stanion Exhibit 3-3851 - PWC.1007.0004.2325 - 170223 Meeting 5 Notes - Strategic Information and Redesign, Craig Storen Exhibit 3-3852 - PWC.1007.0004.2370 - 170301 Meeting 11 Notes - Digital Operations and Service Integration, Jo Hammersley Exhibit 3-3853 - PWC.1007.0004.2455 - 170217 Meeting 1 Notes - Project Kick Off Meeting, Kristen Foster and Jason McNamara Exhibit 3-3854 - PWC.1007.0004.2461 - 170221 Meeting 3 Notes - Debt Management Branch, Mary Jerrim Exhibit 3-3855 - PWC.1007.0004.2465 - 170301 Meeting 12 Notes - Online Services, Megan Bunfield and Lorraine Hollis Exhibit 3-3856 - PWC.1007.0004.2479 - Meeting Agenda - Ben Lumley_20170306 Exhibit 3-3857 - PWC.1007.0004.2480 - DHS Interview questionnaire incl minutes template Exhibit 3-3858 - PWC.1007.0004.2482 - Meeting Agenda - Danny Scott_20170303 Exhibit 3-3859 - PWC.1007.0004.2506 - 170303 Meeting 14.1 Notes - ICT, Maurice Savelli Exhibit 3-3860 - PWC.1007.0004.2508 - 170303 Meeting 14.2 Notes - ICT, David Brine, Michael Brown and Matthew Pavlovich Exhibit 3-3861 - PWC.1007.0004.2512 - 170306 Meeting 16 Notes - EIC Process Meeting, Ben Lumley Exhibit 3-3862 - PWC.1007.0004.2516 - 170303 Meeting 14.3 Notes - ICT, Alan Pung and Michael Waplington Exhibit 3-3863 - PWC.1007.0004.2519 - 170303 Meeting 14.4 Notes - ICT, June Homan and Matthew Oh Exhibit 3-3864 - PWC.1007.0004.2521 - 170303 Meeting 13 notes - EIC process meeting, Danny Scott Exhibit 3-3865 - PWC.1007.0004.2528 - 170306 Meeting 15 notes - Payment Integrity, Jan Bailey Exhibit 3-3866 - PWC.1007.1003.2370_R - Mobilisation Documentation Exhibit 3-3867 - PWC.1007.1003.2371 - Example_Level 2 process maps_v0.10_TB 20170307 Exhibit 3-3868 - PWC.1007.1003.2372 - High level EIC process v0.6_TB_20170307 Exhibit 3-3869 - PWC.1007.1003.2373 - Technology Landscape - OCI Systems Context 1 Exhibit 3-3870 - PWC.1007.1003.2374 - 170307 DHS BPI project - Project Plan - v1.0 Exhibit 3-3871 - PWC.1007.0004.2598 - 170309 Meeting 19 Notes - NM Appeal Branch Liz Bundy (and Michael, Geoffrey) Exhibit 3-3872 - PWC.1007.0004.2601 - 170309 Overview of Hypotheses - DRAFT - v0.2 JP Exhibit 3-3873 - PWC.1007.0004.2613 - 170309 Meeting 20 Notes - Compliance Management Centre, James Blewitt Exhibit 3-3874 - PWC.1007.1003.2439_R - Meeting with ICT and business - Confirming attendance Exhibit 3-3875 - PWC.1007.1003.2440 - DIAGRAM - Data Ingest - Risk Assessment - Selection Management Exhibit 3-3876 - PWC.1007.0004.2664 - 170310 Meeting 22 Notes - Project Sponsor Update Meeting, Jason McNamara Exhibit 3-3877 - PWC.1007.0004.2669 - 170314 Meeting 23 Notes - Appeals branch, Liz Bundey Exhibit 3-3878 - PWC.1007.0004.2672 - 170314 Meeting 24 Notes - Debt management, Michelle Guiren Exhibit 3-3879 - PWC.1007.1003.2480_R - Meeting with Malisa Exhibit 3-3880 - PWC.1007.1003.2481 - 170314 Initial Hypotheses - Summary - DRAFT - v1.0 Exhibit 3-3881 - PWC.1007.0004.2693 - 170308 Meeting 18 Notes - EIC Deep Dive, Parmesh Singh Exhibit 3-3882 - PWC.1007.1001.1136_R - Overview of current EIC improvement initiatives Exhibit 3-3883 - PWC.1007.1001.1137 - 170315 Overview of current EIC improvement initiatives Exhibit 3-3884 - CTH.3001.0039.0675_R - Fwd- Workshops to progress Registered Mail Process and EIC issues [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-3885 - CTH.3001.0039.0677 - Agenda 15_16 March_V0.2 Exhibit 3-3886 - PWC.1007.0004.2873 - 170321 Meeting 26 Notes - Budget measures Christopher Nicola Exhibit 3-3887 - PWC.1007.1001.1447_R - Fwd- PwC Update Exhibit 3-3888 - PWC.1007.1003.3131_R - Fwd- Outcomes meeting Exhibit 3-3889 - PWC.1007.1001.1497_R - FW- Meeting with PWC to discuss PWC process review outcomes Exhibit 3-3890 - PWC.1007.1003.3244_R - DHS BPI update Exhibit 3-3891 - CTH.3005.0003.8632_R - RE- draft email - anything further to add- Exhibit 3-3892 - PWC.1007.0004.3072 - DHS Legislative Review Work Plan Exhibit 3-3893 - PWC.1007.0004.3100 - DHS Conclusions_v8 TB_20170404 Exhibit 3-3894 - PWC.1007.1003.3467_R - Documentation for tomorrow's SES Workshops Exhibit 3-3895 - PWC.1007.1003.3468 - 170405 Insights from Current State Assessment - DRAFT - v0.2 Exhibit 3-3896 - PWC.1007.1003.3469 - 170405 Priorities and Recommendations Overview - DRAFT - v0.2 Exhibit 3-3897 - PWC.1007.0004.3113 - 170406 Meeting 27 Budget measures Michelle Enchong Exhibit 3-3898 - PWC.1007.0004.3115 - 170321 Risk and Control Matrix - DRAFT - v0.1 Exhibit 3-3899 - PWC.1007.0004.3948 - Malisa backup slides 20170419 Exhibit 3-3900 - PWC.1007.1003.4116_R - Draft Implementation Strategy Exhibit 3-3901 - PWC.1007.1003.4117 - 170504 DHS Integrity Modernisation Implementation Strategy - DRAFT - v0.25 Exhibit 3-3902 - PWC.1007.1001.1604_R - Customer experience maps Exhibit 3-3903 - PWC.1007.1001.1605_R - Customer Experience Maps 20170505 Exhibit 3-3904 - PWC.1007.1003.4197_R - DHS files Exhibit 3-3905 - PWC.1007.1003.4198 - DHS Estimates - Short and Medium term 20170504 Exhibit 3-3906 - PWC.1007.1003.4199 - 170505 Resourcing Summary and Options DRAFT Exhibit 3-3907 - PWC.1007.1003.4200 - Costing Assumptions - Breakdowns by Measure 20170504 Exhibit 3-3908 - PWC.1007.1003.4201 - 170504 DHS action plans v0.2 Exhibit 3-3909 - PWC.1007.1003.4203 - Implementation Roadmap - DRAFT - v0.6 20170504 Exhibit 3-3910 - PWC.1007.1003.4204 - 170419 Briefing Notes v1.2 Exhibit 3-3911 - PWC.1007.1003.4219 - 170504 Presentation on Implementation Strategy - DRAFT - v1.3 Exhibit 3-3912 - PWC.1007.1003.4258_R - Presentation updates Exhibit 3-3913 - PWC.1007.1001.1613_R - Updated Presentation Exhibit 3-3914 - PWC.1007.1001.1614 - 170509 Presentation on Implementation Strategy - DRAFT - v1.4 Exhibit 3-3915 - PWC.1007.1001.1622 - 170509 Briefing Notes v1.5 Exhibit 3-3916 - PWC.1007.1001.1632_R - Re- Updated Presentation Exhibit 3-3917 - PWC.1007.1001.1633 - 170509 Presentation on Implementation Strategy - DRAFT - v1.4 Exhibit 3-3918 - PWC.1007.0004.5128_R - 170530 DHS Integrity Modernisation Implementation Strategy - DRAFT - v0.34 Exhibit 3-3919 - PWC.1007.1004.2412_R - 170530 DHS Integrity Modernisation Implementation Strategy - DRAFT - v1.0 Exhibit 3-3920 - PWC.1007.0004.5454 - Brief to Minister - merged slides 21 May 8am Exhibit 3-3921 - PWC.1007.1003.5331 - Brief to Minister - merged slides 21 May 8am Exhibit 3-3922 - PWC.1007.1003.5356 - 170509 Briefing Notes v1.5 Exhibit 3-3923 - PWC.1007.1003.6085_R - Re- DHS - follow on work Exhibit 3-3924 - PWC.1007.0008.0637 - Human Intervention Rules Exhibit 3-3925 - PWC.1007.0008.3074 - Paul Britt_Slides to Minister v0.08 TB Exhibit 3-3926 - PWC.1007.0008.3093 - Initital Outputs - PAYG FY12 Combined Risk Cohort DRAFT_170808_v0.2 Exhibit 3-3927 - PWC.1007.0008.3965 - 170907 CMP Management Dashboard Summary Exhibit 3-3928 - PWC.1007.0008.4012 - Compliance Support Officer Project Activities, Details and Status Exhibit 3-3929 - PWC.1007.0008.4567 - 20171005 Case Selection Analytics Process DRAFT v0.3 Exhibit 3-3930 - PWC.1007.0008.4641 - 171013 CMP Management Dashboard Summary v1.0 Exhibit 3-3931 - PWC.1007.0008.4697 - 171020_Case Selection - Customer centric view_v2.0 Exhibit 3-3932 - PWC.1007.0008.4811 - 20171025_CCD_workforce_strategy_update_v0.2(with notes) Exhibit 3-3933 - PWC.1007.0010.0014 - 20171031_CCD Training Approach_v0.1 Exhibit 3-3934 - PWC.1007.0010.0228 - 171117_CMP Board Paper_FY11-12 Discrepancies_v0.1 Exhibit 3-3935 - PWC.1007.0010.0347 - 171122_CMP Selection Pools Concept Exhibit 3-3936 - PWC.1007.0010.0499 - 20171006_CCD LH Manager Pack FAQs_v0.1 Exhibit 3-3937 - PWC.1007.1003.9261_R - DHS Board - productivity comments Exhibit 3-3938 - PWC.1007.0010.0561 - 20171130_ Final Deliverable_v0.3 Exhibit 3-3939 - PWC.1007.0010.0604_R - 171206_User Testing Notes - PwC Exhibit 3-3940 - PWC.1007.0010.0636_R - 171208_A_User Testing Notes - PwC Exhibit 3-3941 - PWC.1007.0010.0647_R - 171208_B_User Testing Notes - PwC Exhibit 3-3942 - PWC.1007.0010.0662 - 20171214 - Induction pack (2) Exhibit 3-3943 - PWC.1007.0010.0724 - 171219_CMP Board Paper_FY11-12 Discrepancies Impact_v1.1 Exhibit 3-3944 - PWC.1007.0010.0726 - 171220 CMP Management Dashboard Summary v1.0 Exhibit 3-3945 - PWC.1007.0010.0773 - 180108_Average debt calcs Exhibit 3-3946 - PWC.1007.0010.0787 - 20171107_CCD Training Approach_v0.2 Exhibit 3-3947 - PWC.1007.1003.9559_R - Re- DHS Robo-debt stats Exhibit 3-3948 - PWC.1007.0010.1200 - 20180123 - FAQs Exhibit 3-3949 - PWC.1007.0010.1237 - 180119 CMP Management Dashboard Summary v1.0 Exhibit 3-3950 - PWC.1007.0010.1244 - 180125_CMP SRO Project Update_FY11-12 RTS_v0.1 Exhibit 3-3951 - PWC.1007.1004.0546_R - Re- Update on Perform Exhibit 3-3952 - PWC.1007.1004.0605_R - DHS Perform update Exhibit 3-3953 - PWC.1007.1004.0697_R - Re- DHS Risk-based Compliance Framework Project - budget Exhibit 3-3954 - PWC.1007.1004.0997_R - Re- DHS risk-based compliance mapping Exhibit 3-3955 - PWC.1007.0010.1750 - 180306 CMP Management Dashboard Summary v1.0 Exhibit 3-3956 - PWC.1007.0010.1839 - PIR Plan_v1.0 Exhibit 3-3957 - PWC.1007.0010.1843 - 180321_CMP SRO Project Update_Drop 1 Metrics_v0.1 Exhibit 3-3958 - PWC.1007.0010.1884 - 180329_CMP SRO Project Update_FY11-12_v1.0 Exhibit 3-3959 - PWC.1007.0010.1918 - 180419_Upfront Provisional Assessment_v0.7 Exhibit 3-3960 - PWC.1007.1004.2407_R - 180427_PwC work order_D281024892 Exhibit 3-3961 - PWC.1007.0010.2141_R - 2018 0503 DHS EIC Processing Workload Management Strategy April 2018 Exhibit 3-3962 - PWC.1007.0010.2151 - 180503_PAYG Transition Plan_v0.2 Exhibit 3-3963 - PWC.1007.0010.2155 - 180503_CMP Board Paper_Upfront Provisional Assessment_v0.3 Exhibit 3-3964 - PWC.1007.1004.2749_R - Fwd- DHS Compliance Modernisation Program Exhibit 3-3965 - PWC.1007.1004.2750 - 20180505 DHS Compliance Modernisation Program PAYG DebtCalc Workstream Exhibit 3-3966 - PWC.1007.0010.2470 - 20180525 PAYG EIC ICT Deliverables Options Analysis - Appendix Exhibit 3-3967 - PWC.1007.1004.3565_R - Re- Robo update Exhibit 3-3968 - PWC.1007.0010.2692_R - 20180516 DHS Compliance Modernisation Program PAYG DebtCalc Workstream Exhibit 3-3969 - PWC.1007.0010.2718 - 20180619 CMP Project 2 - Stream 2 EIC Service Enhancements Plan Exhibit 3-3970 - PWC.1007.0010.2814 - DHS Perform Pilot Overview Exhibit 3-3971 - PWC.1007.1001.4264_R - Final Productivity Review Report attached Exhibit 3-3972 - PWC.1007.1001.4265 - Productivity Review Report - July 2018 Exhibit 3-3973 - PWC.1007.1004.5134_R - Re- Robo Debt Exhibit 3-3974 - PWC.1007.0010.2932 - 180820_Scenarios for discussion with DSS v0.9 Exhibit 3-3975 - PWC.1007.0010.3405 - 181129_CMP Strategy - Forward Estimates_v0.4 Exhibit 3-3976 - PWC.1007.1004.9932 - DHS Perform diagnostic FINAL DRAFT - 2 Feb 18 (1) Exhibit 3-3977 - PWC.1007.0010.3803 - 20190611_CMP Board - Sensitive cohorts approach_v0.1 Exhibit 3-3978 - PWC.1007.1005.7277_R - DHS catch up on Monday Exhibit 3-3979 - PWC.1007.0010.3977 - 190703_Forecast CMP FY19-20_v1.0 Exhibit 3-3980 - PWC.1007.0010.4131 - 200170_VC slide Exhibit 3-5091 - NWI.9999.0001.0002_R - 2022.11.28 - NTG-0110 Exhibit 3-5092 - NWI.9999.0001.0001_R - NTG-0110 Statement of Nathan Williamson Exhibit 3-5093 - MAS.9999.0001.0001_R - 2022.12.22 - NTG-0126 (Stipnieks) Exhibit 3-5094 - MAS.9999.0001.0002_R - 20230112 Statement Maris Stipnieks Exhibit 3-5095 - MAS.0001.0560.3420_R - Re- Masterton - OCI Claim [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-5096 - MAS.0001.0583.2156_R - RE- PRINTED FOR INFORMATION- Australian Institute of Administrative Law Conference - OCI sessions [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-5097 - MDA.9999.0001.0001_R - 20230120 Statement M Daly Exhibit 3-5098 - CTH.3024.0008.8330_R - PA&P dot points [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-5099 - CTH.3024.0008.8331_R - Weekly Dot Points 26.7.17 Exhibit 3-5100 - MAS.0001.0013.2263_R - RE- Ombo [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only] Exhibit 3-5101 - MAS.0001.0013.2264 - Note re Terry Carney article Exhibit 3-5102 - DSS.5006.0001.2410_R - draft advice - for discussion - application of the 10% penalty [DLM=Sensitive-Legal] Exhibit 3-5103 - MAS.0001.0018.0791_R - [REDACTED] correction of record 1 Exhibit 3-5104 - MAS.0001.0003.4926_R - RE [REDACTED] docs [DLM=SensitiveLegal] Exhibit 3-5105 - MAS.0001.0419.1380_R - Attachment G Exhibit 3-5106 - CTH.3007.0004.3878_R - FW- URGENT Online Compliance Intervention - Debt system [DLM=Sensitive-Legal]